Hey there Questers and welcome back! It’s Wednesday, January 13th and this is episode 268. We have a really big quote for you today that we’re going to do our very best to break it down into pieces. So, I’m going to give it to you all here at once and it’s coming at you from Kate Hudson. She’s an American actress but she’s been a rising fitness superstar especially in the space of whole food medicine. So, she says, “According to Ayurveda, molecules of negative or toxic emotion, such as anger, fear, sadness, jealousy, etc., are lipophilic, which means they take safe haven and store themselves in our fat cells causing physical and emotional disturbances for years and years.”
I think what’s so profound about a quote like this is that you realize the physical impact and longevity that your emotions have on you long-term. It’s not, well, I had this anger flare-up, or I have maybe this anger issue and sometimes it flares up. Every time it flares up that gets stored in your body, it gets imprinted in your body and you’ve got to deal with it in some way or another at some point. So, I’m sure the occasional fly off the handle and rage probably isn’t showing up on your RNA or in your fat cells later. But the habit of doing that, or the habit of being sad or fearful or angry or jealous does start to show up in your physical being even if you’re not actively feeling those feelings which highlights the importance of having strong emotional fitness.
Now just because these toxins will store themselves in your fat cells doesn’t mean that every overweight person out there is angry, fearful, sad, and jealous constantly. Your fat cells, you don’t actually gain or lose any fat cells in your life unless you get liposuction. That’s how you can lose them. They only expand and contract so you’ve got your hundred or however many hundreds of thousands of fat cells but that doesn’t change. So, these chemicals get stored there, but even a skinny person, even someone who looks physically healthy can still have these toxins in their system because this is about those emotions not necessarily the physical food you’re putting into your body.
Yeah. I think that’s a good point to make. This isn’t about fat people equals angry, sad, jealous…
Kay & Shi:
That’s not what it means at all and certainly, that number of fat cells is in each and every one of us. So, how filled those cells are is another matter and a matter of our own fitness. Talking about emotional fitness here and the way that it shows up in our body. Kay and I often talk about identifying where you feel tension or where you’re storing something. You’ve probably had the experience of trying to go to sleep and you’re thrashing and you’re like, God, I’m not tired. Then you realize, all of a sudden, you unclench your jaw and you’re like, “Oh, I was holding my jaw super tight.” You know there’s no way in hell that you’re going to be able to fall asleep with your jaw clenched like that. Then maybe you do that body scan if you’re a meditator and you realize all those little places where maybe you’re just eh, you’re tensing your muscles. This is that similar thing that’s going to show up in your body or emotions show up in your body more often than we give them credit for.
In researching for today’s episode, I just straight up googled, “What are the ties between emotional trauma and cancer?” Because I’ve had a thought in my life and in my world that we can attract devastating physical circumstances if it is what we need for emotional change. Now, I’m not saying that every person who has a stroke deserves a stroke. That’s not what we’re saying. And we’re not saying that they’ve attracted that directly to them, but maybe you’ve noticed a pattern in your life of people who are increasingly negative, focused on the things that are wrong in their life, having chronic mental illnesses, not mental illnesses, physical illnesses, that then manifest within their body. So, when doing this research, while they haven’t found any direct correlation yet between emotional trauma equals cancer, what they have found is that when a body is more relaxed cancer doesn’t metastasize as quickly as it does in a body that has a ton of cortisol pumping through it, which is the stress hormone. So, if you’re really massively stressed out all the time, you’re experiencing fear, sadness, jealousy, and a free radical cell comes into your body, a cancer cell comes into your body it will have a harder time grabbing onto the things inside of you and building itself if you are more relaxed and less stressed.
There’s evidence that laughter is the best medicine because it relaxes you, and it releases those bad chemicals and helps flood you with good chemicals. So, when in doubt, laugh it out!..One of our favorite things to do here on The Mentorship Quest and in our sister quest. So, I would try to read you this quote, but I am having a hard time with these few words, but I will do my best to remind you of what they are and maybe Kay will help me out. “According to…”
“…molecules of negative or toxic emotion, such as anger, fear, sadness, jealousy, etc., are…
“…which means they take safe havens and store themselves in our fat cells causing physical and emotional disturbances for years and years.” Thanks for the assist on that little sis!
We’re such a good partner team. I love it. Well, you guys are probably used to this routine already. It is Wednesday, which means this is a…
Kay & Shi:
…Workout Wednesday.
Today we want you to join us in a wellness workout to remove negative toxins. We would encourage you to do some twists from your mid-section because it’s one of the most effective ways of squeezing toxins out of your organs and your fat cells. Are you ready?
Kay & Shi:
Let’s quest!