Welcome back Questers. This is Wednesday, November 25th, which means it’s a very special day in our lives because today is the day that our wonderful mother was born. This is episode 233, and our mom Misty Young was born on November 25th and we are so happy to have a birthday episode for you, Mom!
Happy birthday Mom, and we picked the perfect quote for you. It actually works out really well that your birthday falls on Thanksgiving Eve, because we are focusing on gratitude this week and no one has taught us better about gratitude than you, but we will get into that. First, we have to give you this really deep, super long, crazy quote…It’s going to be hard. You might be able to remember it. It’s three words, “Grateful, thankful, blessed.”

Now we got this from the incredibly scientific source of the cliché house décor sign that you might find hanging up in literally anyone’s house.
Found in any Target, Walmart, Kohl’s, or an Amazon shopping list near you. “Grateful, thankful, blessed,” is a mantra of seemingly this generation and certainly a house décor at a time like this and around Thanksgiving. It’s very evident and obvious, but it’s popped up all year long in all kinds of different places. It’s a great sentiment and oftentimes the best sentiments are the ones that are simple just like this one.
Well, our mom has always shown us the simplicity of displaying gratitude in a big way for the abundance that is around us, even when we’re not monetarily abundant or even when we’ve got, you know, to have to get a little bit creative in how we make things happen. She’s always really demonstrated how to be grateful, thankful, and therefore be blessed in our lives. But we can’t help, but laugh a little bit at this particular quote because it got so tropey, but now they’ve just started rearranging the words to make it different.
Now you can be blessed, thankful, grateful, or you can be thankful, grateful, blessed. All the different ways that you can put these three words together. You can find them on all kinds of house décor, shirts, bags-
I literally have a t-shirt that says, “thankful, grateful, blessed.”
Oh, you know what though, I’m glad that this is a mantra and it’s gaining momentum. We need more positive messages out there and this is one that’s just reminding us to be grateful. To find things and to realize how blessed we truly are to refocus and re-shift our awareness onto those blessings in our lives, which are truly around us and abundant. We need this reminder, especially in our modern time.
Well, I think we saw the shift really happen in our modern time toward this becoming a pop culture phenomenon (if you will) around the timing of the secret getting launched and really becoming mainstream. When we saw this mainstream move toward the Law of Attraction and started to talk about magnetism and about how positivity impacts everything from a workplace and a work environment to a home environment, to a child’s engagement in their school place and so much more. We saw a rise in just how gratitude can help human beings and then you see pop culture follow up like, “ooh, we can do things about that.”
Well, we are in a capitalist society. So, naturally, we’re going to monetize. At least this time we’re monetizing on helpful, growth-oriented concepts. I also really like that for Mom’s birthday, that this concept reminds us to come back to those things and that, in our lives, our mom has always been that person that has reminded us to come back to these things. What can you be grateful for? You know, gratitude and appreciation and thankfulness – these are emotions that we feel when we watched “The Secret,” or when we learned about the Law of Attraction which was introduced to us by our moms.
So, it’s such perfect timing. But we’re told to get into the feeling of how it will feel when we’re in the moment of having what it is that we desire. Gratitude can be one of the easiest ones to channel. Sometimes it’s hard to channel. I’ll feel stressed at the level of emails that will come in from my new project. That’s not necessarily a feeling we want to step into, but stepping into the feeling of “I’m so grateful for the amount of interest that I’m having in my new program,” or “I’m so thankful that this has come to pass,” is a feeling that is more easily conjured and can help us move into that Law of Attraction a little bit faster.
Love utilizing gratitude as a way of pulling your future toward you. So, just a reminder as to what that cliché house décor is going to say for you in these incredibly wise, three words, “Grateful, thankful, and blessed.” So, today we’re going to ask you guys to do a call quest. Now, I actually think this is the very first time we’ve ever asked you to pick up a phone. So, #CallQuest…
If you’re a millennial like us, we know you’re sweating because we don’t like to call – we like to text, but today you can do it and so can we.
Yeah. So, today’s quest is to call your mom, even if she is in heaven, even if maybe you have a step-mom or you know, whoever serves as that maternal figure in your life, give them a call today. Maybe let them know that you can both download our eBook over right now at kayandshi.com because it’s always better when you quest with someone you love.
It really is and we love our mom today. Happy birthday, mom. If you want to give her a birthday gift, head over to kayandshi.com and download the eBook, you’ll be glad that you did. We want to wish all of you a Merry Thanksgiving Eve. We hope you tune in tomorrow for a special Thanksgiving episode, and are you ready?
Kay and Shi:
Let’s quest!