The Daily Scroll: A Mentorship Recap – August 10th, 2020 Show Notes


Hey there, Questers – and welcome, once again! It is Monday, August 10th, and this is Episode 156. We have a Julia Child quote for you today, and she says that, “Drama is very important in life. You have to come on with a bang. You never want to go out with a whimper.”


Such a goody, and from such an amazing and inspirational woman, Julia Child – (the American cooking teacher, author, television personality, and arguably one of the most recognized names in the world)! And, you know, she was famous for bringing French cuisine to the American public. But, (fun fact!), she was also a secret, former spy before the CIA was even the CIA!


Right? She was a part of the OSS, which I didn’t even know! But, when we were prepping, it was really neat to see that. And, she’s such an incredible icon in the food and beverage industry that – (as fellow food and beverageers)…




…we love to see women rise in the industry! And, really, Julia gave birth to this new generation of lady chefs back in the sixties and seventies. And so, she really gave women a role model to look up to, that wasn’t necessarily the family, down-home cooking Paula Dean or Martha Stewart.


I’m proud of how much she’s done. And, you know, bringing that accessibility of a cuisine that many felt was the food of the aristocrats. But, getting to the meat of this quote, if you will, is really about bringing that flair , that intensity, and that intentionality to your life. She calls it “drama” here, but we’re not talking about the drama in your life in terms of being a drama queen, because this is really more about that theatrical intentionality around how you do what you do, and how you present it to the world!


Right! Well, think about this: life is actually already set up for drama. Like, your events of your day are pretty tumultuous. Sometimes, the events of a year can be tumultuous – (as we are finding out with 2020!), and a decade can be up and down too. So, life already has a lot of drama in it. And then, we as human beings, are the animals that got wired to love and be addicted to drama. Now, I’m not talking about the “friend drama” – but you can totally get addicted to that too. But, if you turn on the television and you look at the kind of entertainment that we engage in, there is a LOT of drama. So, if you can add a little bit of intentional drama, which we like to call a little “intentional flair ” to your life, you can bring a little more energy and delight into your day-to-day moments!


Well, you think about variety being the spice of life, right? So, if we were just joyous and happy and harmonious all the time, (in theory it sounds amazing), but it would get pretty dang boring! If you think about going to a movie where the characters are happy in the beginning, and in the middle they’re happy, and then they’re happy again, and then they end happy too…that would be a boring movie because there’s nothing of substance there. We as humans really yearn for some variety. And so, bringing a little bit of flair and some drama to what it is that you’re doing helps you stand out more, be more authentically in your own nature, and it can also get you farther!


Well, I think about things like putting the extra special wrapping on a present, or taking the extra step to create an experience for the people around you. For example, John Maxwell takes his family on vacations every year. And, when he does, he does things to make it extra special. So, he’ll give them a gift that’s relevant for the vacation, or he’ll bring out a special chef to cook for them that’s relevant to the local cuisine. So, there are all kinds of ways to add a little bit of extra flair into things that just help your life have that *chef’s kiss* quality.


Well, it makes life more like a movie that you want to sit through and enjoy. You know, Jim Rohn – who was the original mentor and teacher of Tony Robbins – has this one teaching about adding a little drama to your life, and making your show something you want to watch. And, you can find all of his old stuff on YouTube, and listen to all of his recorded tapes on there too because he’s very interesting to listen to, and has amazing teachings!…But, I’ll always remember how he says, if you’ve got a big goal, you don’t just cross it off the list when you’re done, but you wait until the plane touches down, and the wheeles hit, to cross that off the list. So, maybe you’ve written a blog or something on the plane…(Now, he wouldn’t say blog, because this was back in the sixties and seventies) – but let’s say you’ve written an article or something while you’re flying to your destination – Jim tells us to wait until the plane touches down to cross it off the list, so that you can bring a little flair , a little drama, and a little interest to your life! And so, to remind you of what our quote from Julia Child is today, “Drama is very important in life. You have to come on with a bang. You never want to go out with a whimper.”


All right, gang! That means that today is a flair quest. So, your quest today is to: Add a little intentional flair to some activity that you do…Maybe you spin while you’re walking through a set of doors, or you wear a fancy outfit, or maybe you take a little dance break in your office in the afternoon – but, whatever it is, get out there and add a little flair! Are you ready?

Kay & Shi:

Let’s quest!

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