The Daily Scroll: A Mentorship Recap – June 1st, 2020 Show Notes


Well hello there, Questers! Welcome to Episode 106! We have a great Walt Disney quote coming to you, today. And, he says, “There is more treasure in books than in all the pirate’s loot on Treasure Island.”


Well, with today being June 1st – we LOVE June, and it’s that halfway month of the year, so we think this is a great time to be talking about pirate’s loot on Treasure Island, because summer reading is at its finest! Kids are out of school, and it’s tempting to pick up the books when you sit next to the pool. And, certainly, Kay and I are definitely nerds when it comes to reading books.


Well, I think many of us have replaced the habit of books with the habit of scrolling on Instagram, or maybe the habit of TikTok. I know I’ve done my fair share of TikTok’ing this year, without hitting the books. But, we really can’t underestimate the power of reading!


Well, and that there’s more treasure in books than in all the pirate’s loot on Treasure Island. There is SO much treasure to be found in books. And, there’s fantasy, there’s escapism, there’s new information that you can learn, new perspectives you can gain, there’s realizations and “aha” moments, and epitomise and epiphanes that books produce. And, you just can’t find that on Instagram.


You know, when the printing press first came around in the late 1600’s, or early 1700’s, it was really designed, at the time, as a way of bringing the Bible to the people. But, what that then transformed into was the ability for people who weren’t at a certain socioeconomic class to share ideas and information that they had learned. And so, the world started compounding when we were able to mass print things. And, the treasure in books has literally led to the treasure of our lives that we enjoy today!


Right? It’s the treasure of the human potential unlocked. Because, by being able to read, you can literally learn A-N-Y-T-H-I-N-G! You can literally become anything. You can travel anywhere, and you can imagine anything. And, it’s profound in its vastness, I think. Plus, there’s a flavor for everyone! And, you know, some people like short books or collections of poems, while others enjoy long books and deep stories. But, I think all of us have had those books in our lives that have changed us forever.


So, we’re big fans of books!


We like reading!

Kay & Shi:



I average around 50 books a year, and I know Shila does the same. And, to get those 50 books in, it’s a lot of reading in our spare time, a lot of listening to books in the car, and a lot of effort that it takes to consume that much knowledge. And, there definitely was a time in both of our lives where we indulged more in television or in reading that wasn’t as constructive. But, since making a more intentional shift toward growth through reading, and reading for recreation, I think we’ve seen a whole treasure chest full of ideas and extended vocabulary!


I mean, there is a LOOT to be found there! And, I think reading a book is different than watching a show, or a documentary, or maybe reading articles, or following a blogger, because you really get to take a concept, or an author’s point of view, and go really DEEP with it. Tony Robbins talks about the concept that – if you can read somebody’s biography – they’ve most likely taken 50 – 70 years to learn all of that knowledge – but, they put it into a book that you can read in a half day! So, reading really allows us to take all of those decades of knowledge, experience, failure, and pain, and allows us to learn the lessons, hear the highlights, and be better for it. And so, that compounding effect of not only your own self, but the integration of other’s experiences into your own learning, I think is the real power of books.


Well, and the other half of that is – when you’re not gathering information, you’re growing in your imagination. And human beings are truly unique in our ability to use our imaginations at will. And so, by engaging in the power of imagination, through reading fictional books and creating these worlds inside your mind, you’re actually exercising that power of visualization and imagination for yourself, which is really helpful when it comes to manifesting your dreams!


BOOM! Well, speaking of a dream manifesting in one of the most imaginative souls out there, today’s quote came to you from Walt Disney, who said, “There was more treasure in books than in all the pirate’s loot on Treasure Island.”


Now, you probably can guess it, but today’s quest is to: Go read a book! Even if it’s just one chapter…go out there and read a book! We’re not talking about an article, or a blog, or a long form Instagram post….We’re talking at least one chapter, or portion, of a BOOK, today! That’s your quest!

Kay & Shi:

*(Singing)* Just take a look…It’s in a book…A reading rainbow! *


Do we have to pay them for that?




Well, we enjoyed it, and we hope you guys have a great quest!


Bye guys!

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