The Daily Scroll: A Mentorship Recap – May 15th, 2020


Welcome Questers to Episode 95 of The Mentorship Quest! We’re glad to be with you today because today’s quote comes from a dear, dear mentor of ours, Mr. Paul Martinelli! Plus, it’s one of his most famous quotes! He says, “In a world of cause and effect, be causative.”


We misunderstood this quote for so long…


SO long! Well, because causative rhymes with positive. So it’s really easy to think that this is an attitude or a way of being, right?


Well, and we all know what cause and effect is, so when we think about “being causative” it’s like, “okay, well then create effects.” And that’s kind of what I take from that. But, in my head, creating effects is similar to thinking on it, focusing on it, being causative, and being intentional. So that is how I was really receiving this quote for a long time. But, once we unpacked it and better understood what causative is, the genius of this quote becomes intensified.


Yeah! Because the definition of causative is, “acting as a cause” and the definition of cause is, “a person or thing that gives rise to an action phenomenon or condition.” So, when you are being causative, you are acting as a person that gives rise to action.


Yep! So to be causative means: take action if you want effects, and results. So, it’s simple! But, it’s also always the most simple advice that can be the most difficult to follow. Because we all know the biggest gap in the world is between what we know and what we DO (another famous Paul Martinelli concept, by the way ;)…and the only way to close that gap is to take action!


Well, the world that we live in is a cause and effect reality. And, in science, we think about action and reaction in engineering (AKA we think of ones and zeros). And, if you have been around the Quest for long enough, you know we think in QUESTions and answers! So there’s really this cause and effect universe that we’re living in. And so, it’s not just about being causative in the positive thinking way, or the energetic driving way. But also in terms of IF you want actions in your life, then you have to TAKE ACTION! So, if you want actions as a result, you want to take action to get there!


Right? And BE positive means that it is a state of being that is continually cultivated. It’s not “take action one singular time” or, “take spurts of action intermittent with Netflix binges.” It’s to be causative as a state of being so often that you create the effects you desire! Because, everything is on that other side of this persistent action – and this hard work – and this making of mistakes – and this having failures…ALL of that is part of that action process and journey. And it can be so HARD, and we all want to give up sometimes along that journey. But, by just continuing to have that state of being causative, we can affect the effects, and thus BECOME the thing that creates the effects you want! And that is incredibly powerful.


That truly is incredible. And, there’s actually a second definition of the word cause that I love, and think is helpful to this point as well – which is, “a principle aim or movement that because of a deep commitment, one is prepared to defend or advocate.” Now, why is the second definition of cause so important? Because BEING causative, and being a person of action, helps you to create commitment toward the things that you are doing. And, before you know it, being causative takes on this whole new meaning. Because you are actively working for and defending the things that you want in your life, because they become THAT important to you!


Right! Because to truly “take action” means commitment, defense, and advocation. It’s those things of your dream…It’s learning and skill building…It’s taking the action towards defending your dream, goal, or journey, and advocating for resources, partnerships, or any other sort of thing you might need in order to make it! And, this commitment and consistency piece, is often the hardest ball to carry, but it’s also a ball that’s vital to carry.


And, before we move too quickly, something just sparked for me. I think a really easy, quick illustration of this is that (when you are first starting an exercise routine), you have to be the action and kind of force yourself into being causative into this routine. But, after a while, the routine becomes so ingrained inside you that when it gets shaken or stressed, you will FIGHT to keep that fitness routine you built. Whereas, before you had to fight to even get yourself to be a part of it! So, I hope that illustration was helpful 🙂


Oh, I definitely think so! Because, as you build that habit, you might go from having to defend yourself from temptation to advocating to make the time because you just HAVE to have it…it makes you feel THAT good! So, just a reminder that today’s quote was from the amazing Mr. Paul Martinelli – a dear friend, a great mentor, and really a sponsor to us in our lives. And, the quote is, “In a world of cause and effect, be causative.”


Now, today’s quest is to think about a cause in your life that you’re passionate about, but have taken no action on (or that maybe you have taken action on in the past, but not in these last six months)…And, ask yourself: Is it on your heart to be causative? If so, then get out there and act as a cause! If you were to be causative, what’s one thing that you can do, in order to prove to yourself today that you’re being causative? Maybe write in a journal, make a call, or sign up for the class! Whatever it is, get out there and take some ACTION!


Happy questing!

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