Hey there, you Knights and Ladies! Nice to see you here on The Mentorship Quest with Kay and Shi! We have Episode 87 today, and today’s quote comes to you from the one and only Albert Einstein!
“Try not to become a person of success, but rather try to become a person of value.”

Ooh, I love this quote. You know, there are lots of ways that you can take this, but I think Albert is really defining success here in the sense that it is less about caring about the “things” and the “stuff”, and more about trying to become a person of emotional and spiritual value, because you’ve added value to others.
So many of us imagine Albert Einstein as the wiry haired, crazed scientists in a lab coat. But, some of his most profound and impactful work, as time goes on, prove to be some of his insights about intuition, creativity, and the nature of the universe. And so, when he makes a quote like this, I think it really highlights the importance of the message – being that someone of his kind of stature in the scientific community and in the philosophical community would say that, really – we want to become people of value. “Try not to become a person of success, but rather try to become a person of value.” So he’s telling you that, although you might pursue success with the best of intentions, it’s not going to get you to where you are really hoping to go – which is ultimately a feeling of fulfillment – because that only comes from being of value to others!
Well, I think Albert Einstein really dives into this best with his most famous formula: E = mc2. Now, you probably hear E = mc2 and you’re like, okay…here we go with that wiry haired guy in the lab coat…BUT, let’s just break this down for a second. Let’s take the first three components of E equals MC squared…SO – looking at the first three pieces, (which is E = mc), if we look at E = mc…what does that mean? It means that energy equals matter! So, let’s put that backwards...Matter equals energy! So, if you’re focused on creating material success in your life versus attempting to become a person of value by adding energetic value to other people, then you might not feel emotional fulfillment because you focused on the matter side of the equation…Forgetting that it was energy all along!
Well, and that energy would equate the matter. So many of us work on JUST the matter side of the equation, when in reality it has to equal on both sides. So, it’s far easier to devote energy, because you have energy to give and you’re giving it to whatever you do. Now, it might be sporadic, it might be low energy, it might not be concentrated, or focused, or diligently working towards something…BUT you have energy to give and we spend it every single day! And yet, we spend a lot of that energy trying to jump over the equation, and say, “make the matter, make the matter” or, “find the matter, get the matter”, when you’re already on the side where you can make it, you just have to GIVE it.
Exactly! And you can cultivate that energy. And, that energy that gets cultivated from within you is 100% of the time. If it’s cultivated from you, it’s positive energy. If it’s reactionary to your environment, then that’s when the negative energy comes into place. So, you might say, “well, I get it, but negative energy just happens inside of me”. Well, yes – that may be true – but negative energy is a result of your thinking and your assigning of meaning to whatever it is in front of you. And so – the equal sign in the E = mc2 equation – is really your opportunity to give meaning and decide what you want both the matter and the energy to mean to you! And, if you want MORE of one (like Shila said)…You’ve got to give it!
Right? I like that everything’s on the other side of the equation of energy. So energy is the thing that you have to GIVE. It’s your life force. It’s the thing that you have to grow on the other side of the equation. And, you know, Albert isn’t saying to never get caught up in negative emotions, or not to enjoy the successes…but if you strive to become a person of value (in whatever way that means for you, and however your gifts are expressed through you!)…If you become a person of authentic, genuine value in that arena, you WILL gain success!
So – your quest today is to: really think about one way that you can intentionally add value to someone else’s life. Because, remember: if we add value energetically – and from a place of authenticity – we can create success on the other side of the equation!

All right gang, happy questing!