Hey, hey, hey, there Questers, it’s a Fabulous Friday here. This is episode 430. It is August 27th, and we have a quote for you today from one of our very favorite spiritual authors and motivational speakers, a mentor of ours through his books and his videos, Mr. Wayne Dyer and he tells us, “Peace is the result of retraining your mind to process life as it is rather than as you think it should be.”

Boy, this lesson just keeps coming up for us huh Kay? It’s very similar to what Tony Robbins tells us, which is to, “Trade your expectations for appreciation and…
Kay & Shi:
“…your whole life will change.”
Wayne is telling us that peace is the internal state of being that is the outcome of trading those expectations for appreciation for retraining your mind to accept life as it’s coming at you. Not lay down and be a victim to it but accept however it unfolds and presents itself to you and move from an empowered place through it and with gratitude that brings about peace. Most of us feel like that brings about being a victim or that you’re going to get taken advantage of, or that if you don’t stress about it, if you don’t fight about it, if you don’t worry about it, then nothing will happen with it. But that’s all not the state of being at peace.
Right, and if you stress about or worry about something, does it actually move the needle on the project to have excessive worry? Yes, or no? No. It likely doesn’t. Now, does action born from worry move the needle on the project. Absolutely. But does it need maybe 12 hours of suffering in the meantime before you take the action in that space? Maybe not. So, what Wayne is telling us is that we have this opportunity to retrain our minds so that we process life as it is and eliminate the really, really sneaky thought pattern of it should be different.
The ‘shoulds’. It should be different. It should be a way that I like. It shouldn’t be this hard. All of those ‘shoulds’ can be really dangerous for us. I think that this is a really tricky part of life. This is that thing that we’ll all likely be training ourselves to do until the day that we pass because we are having a human experience. Part of the human experience is wanting to arrange things the way you like them. How you like things to unfold, that preference feels good to you, which makes you want to seek more preference. So, Wayne says, don’t even play the preference game, get off of that game because what’s off of that game is peace and that feeling of peace is empowering and it’s helpful and it’s loving and it’s a higher vibration that allows us to connect to humanity in a more meaningful way but man, it’s hard.
It’s really hard when you’re in your day-to-day circumstances. Especially if you’re excited for something or you have a vision for how you think something is going to go down. I mean, I’ll be the first to say that I’ve had all kinds of experiences get ruined by my expectations, either being too high or too outlandish. I can think of particularly a couple of times where I’ve gone on trips, just anticipating that this trip was going to completely transform how I felt and when I got home, I would just be rejuvenated and so ready to do all of my life again. Then you get back from your trip and you’re actually more tired and you feel out of sorts.
And disorganized and your inbox is overflowing. If you’re like us sometimes that makes you go, well, then I shouldn’t just travel. I shouldn’t take time off and that’s not very peaceful. I think that Wayne Dyer would tell us why don’t you work on retraining your mind to process life as it is? What does that mean? That means that no matter what comes at you, you process it for what it is, not what your expectation or judgment about what it means or how it feels or what it’s done, or the fairness or the justice level, but just as it is because we get that end game that so many of us are after, which is peace.
Oh man and truly at the end of the day peace is what most of us are going for.
I’ll take a piece of that.
You know it. This is what so many of the monks in the Buddhist temples and the religions all over the, uh, all over the world, spend their time looking for this level of peace inside. What Wayne is telling us is that peace is really the result of retraining your mind to process life as it is, rather than how you think it should be.
Alright. It’s your Friday quest. It’s a Wake up in Reality Quest. Yeah. For your #FriYayQuest, we want you to wake up to reality by retraining your mind to process life as it is exactly at this moment. Are you ready? Process with us now.
Kay & Shi: