Hello Questers, thank goodness it’s Thursday, a beautiful day indeed. It is July 29th. This is episode 409. We have such a fun quote for you today, a deep sweet quote, and excited to get into it. Our author today is Saint Francis de Sales.
Saint Francis is a favorite of one of our favorites, Dr. Wayne Dyer, and truly a respected Saint in the Catholic church. He was noted for his deep faith and his gentle approach to the religious divisions and really is a key figure in the Christian religion. So, to tell you what he says, “Never be in a hurry; do everything quietly and in a calm spirit. Do not lose your inner peace for anything whatsoever, even if your whole world seems upset.”
Okay. Saint Francis…
But like I was saying.
I can see what you’re saying first off, but second, like really?
For anything whatsoever?
At all. Seems like a huge task, but it doesn’t mean that the advice is not worthy, and no one needs to take this gentle advice more so than me. Hi, Kay here, because definitely being in a hurry and doing things with a loud and active spirit are three of the things that I am definitely guilty of.
Oh man, I feel like I studied this principle so much and worked on it, and listened to it. But know that I still have room to improve because I as well lose my inner peace. Even though I am so Zen 5,000 when I am meditating and driving into work, most times I can lose it in a heartbeat when we’re trying to get out the door and we’ve got soccer practice and the kids don’t have their cleats and they’re complaining about their water bottles. We just got to go and there they’re sitting down again. Yeah, my inner peace gets disturbed.
You know, that definitely happens, and chances are your inner peace gets disturbed along the way as well. But if we can remember some days when we’re feeling that hurry to take a deep breath and do our best to act quietly and in a calm spirit. Now, you know we’re not a huge fan of absolutes. So, saying never be hurried, do everything quietly. Let’s say it this way, do your best to not be in a hurry and do most things quietly and in a calm spirit. Now that’s something I might be able to get behind.
Well, and think about the kind of people that you’ve met and you can feel it when you are in their presence and isn’t it’s so amazing to be in the presence of someone like this. When the quote “whole world seems upset” when there is some major business thing blowing up and there’s the one person who’s like, “I know what to do. I’ve been here before. We will get through this.” There’s that calm spirit that hasn’t been disturbed even though the circumstances are mounting, they’re crazy. Maybe in a family situation where there’s been a big family fight, or maybe a big family tragedy or a big family scare or something and there’s that one person who cannot lose it and be that beacon. So, we know that there is so much value in being like this which I think is why most of us try to quest to be more like this.
Yes. He says, “Do not lose that inner peace for anything whatsoever.” Now maybe if you never lose your inner peace, what I love is that he’s at least alluding to the idea that maintaining inner peace is possible. Now, like any habit, it likely is going to take…I won’t say likely..it WILL take time to strengthen that habit, but it is possible to not lose your inner peace while in the face of maybe some rough seas ahead. So, as Saint Francis de Sales tells us, “Never be in a hurry; do everything quietly and in a calm spirit. Do not lose your inner peace for anything whatsoever, even if your whole world seems upset.”
Alright, it’s a Spirit Quest on this Thoughtful Thursday. We want you to sit in the slow and self-assured spirits that you store inside. Observe how intentionally engaging with your spirit can allow you to feel centered and calm even amongst the day’s craziness. Are you ready? Say it with us gently now…
Kay & Shi:
Let’s quest!