The Daily Scroll: A Mentorship Recap – June 21st, 2021 Show Notes


He-yo Questers it’s Monday, June 21st and this is episode 381. We have an easy quote for you today because we know that it’s mundane. It’s not just easy because it’s only three words long, it’s easy because it’s easy to understand as well. This one isn’t just submitted but also said by a fellow Quester from the one and only Jack Klemeyer. Now Jack tells us to, “Embrace the suck.”


“Embrace the suck.” Oh my gosh. Such a fun, practical quote that gives us a lot to learn and Jack has given us a lot in multiple different ways. If you are part of the John Maxwell team, you know Jack. He is a fellow team member; He’s an excellent trainer and we can say that from experience. We have hired Jack to come train our Squeeze In restaurant leadership team and everyone raved about Jack. In fact, Jack, they all said that you were their favorite in years. So, bravo and well done, and can’t wait to have you back. Jack is also a John Maxwell team faculty member for the JMT Marketing System. So, a big partner of ours on the John Maxwell side of things. But whether you’re part of the John Maxwell team or not, this concept can be extremely helpful to you in your life because it helps you understand that no matter what your dream is, no matter what your vision is, no matter what passions you have, there is going to be some sucky stuff that comes along with it and the best thing you can do is embrace it.


Well, if you’ve ever walked maybe one or two steps down the path of life then you understand that oftentimes we encounter things that don’t necessarily make us feel comfortable, warm, or fuzzy. In fact, oftentimes we get a lot of challenges and there are all kinds of things that we have to face along the way. I mean, our challenges are so ingrained in us. We have all kinds of challenges. I mean, think about a baby. A baby comes out and they literally can’t even tell somebody that they want food. They can’t even communicate that they’re hungry, so they have to just scream and cry because they literally don’t have what it takes to feed themselves. So, we start on an uphill battle when we begin this life and so if you’re not embracing the suck, chances are you’re fighting it and when you fight the suck, you’re fighting the inevitable reality of life. That means that hard things are going to happen, that you’re going to be uncomfortable, and if you fight it, you’re just doing double duty on the suck. You’re just making your own experience suck while you’re in the middle of the suck. So, you might as well embrace it!


There’s nothing that comes without that sucky side, whether it be growing up as a human being or simply just living your life, right? There are pieces that aren’t going to feel super fun, and we can try to battle that, but they come as part of the package. So, Kay, I love that you brought that concept forward here, that you can double your suck if you don’t embrace it. But the best thing we can do is to understand that that’s part of it, to wrap our arms around it, to get empowered by it, and to walk the process and the path altogether so that we can truly achieve what it is that we want to achieve without having the sucky experience on the inside from it.


Well, you’re going to have the external suck either way so you might as well not have a sucky internal experience, and figuring out the way that you left out that internal experience it’s definitely one of, I think the greatest challenges that come into the play of life. It’s easy, I think, from an intellectual level to say, “yeah, life is going to be hard.” But when you are in the middle of that hardship of life or the difficult situation, sometimes it can be difficult to remember to embrace it because it’s painful in the moment and the psychological drama that comes alongside can add additional pain there. So, don’t let the psychological drama get stacked on top of your regular life drama and create a whole lot of pain for you in the process.


The psychological life drama. Well, I do believe that today is the summer solstice, so we hope that you are enjoying the longest day of the year with the shortest quote of the Mentorship Quest. Just three words here to remind you what our dear friend and fellow John Maxwell team member and faculty member Jack Klemeyer says, “Embrace the suck.”


Alrighty, gang, we have an Embrace the Suck Quest for you today. That’s right. We want you to think of one thing from your past that sucked to go through but that actually ended up being for your benefit. Get back there and reframe it, think about taking that sucky thing and turning it into something that’s actually empowering. Are you ready? You know what to do!

Kay & Shi:

Let’s quest!

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