The Daily Scroll: A Mentorship Recap – June 4th, 2021 Show Notes


Fantastic, fabulous Friday, June 4th. This is episode 370…


That was fun and frivolous. A fabulous intro indeed!




Fine intro indeed.


I am fond of this style.


Alright, let’s get into it here today. Your quote comes from a woman who is near and dear to our hearts.


A friend.


A friend. She’s the best. Kelly Merbler is her name. She’s a keynote speaker. She’s a certified Gallup StrengthsFinder Coach. She is the founder of Coffee with Kelly. She is a fellow John Maxwell team member and a fellow John Maxwell team Maxwell Method of Marketing faculty member alongside us. So, needless to say, we’re big Kelly fans.


We love Kelly.


And this is a great quote with a great story and a great lesson, and the quote is, “When your calling comes, make sure your voicemail isn’t full.”


We love this quote because it comes with an amazing story attached to it in which Kelly was impacted by the one and only John Maxwell, the leadership author that we all come together around. She was impacted by him. She reached out to his assistant and said, if there’s ever a chance that I could take him to lunch, I would really love the opportunity. His assistant said, yeah, yeah, okay, I’ll see what I can do. But he’s a celebrity and things like this never really happen. So, she just kind of threw her shot in the dark. She shot her shot, and she had a phone call come back and she didn’t recognize the phone number one day. Then about five minutes later, an email came through and the name on the email was John Maxwell and the email said, I tried to call you. I’d like to set up a lunch appointment, but when I called your voicemail was full.


So, now you can see why this quote is funny and creative and such a good lesson. “When you’re calling comes make sure your voicemail isn’t full.” Raise your hand if you’ve ever been in Kelly’s boat. Voicemail got full, your inbox is overloaded. You miss a communication that was really important to you. This is probably something most of us can relate to and that feeling when that happens, ah, dang it. But you learn from it and you adjust from it and what she learned is that make sure your voicemail isn’t full when you’re calling comes.


Well sometimes your calling isn’t the thing that is at stake. Sometimes your voicemail is full, and your sanity is at stake. Sometimes your house is a wreck and your organization, and your job performance is at stake. Sometimes your laundry has been piling up for three weeks and your sense of peace when you’re in your home is at stake. So, when your calling comes or whenever that positive life force that’s coming for you to open and express and expand you comes at you, make sure your life isn’t cluttered and full of all of the other things that might get in the way of you charging forward with harmony, with peace, with clarity and with peace of mind.


When we talk about the law of attraction and the law of magnetism, we talk about making room in your life for what it is you want to create and what you want to have. That’s a good kind of angle on this quote and this concept here of, if you want to be a speaker and that is in your blood, and you see it in your mind’s eye of standing on that stage and delivering that speech. Do you have a speech that you could give right now if somebody asks you, I need you on stage tomorrow? This is how to be ready when your calling comes. Once the opportunity comes, you can miss it if you’re not ready for it if you’re not prepared. Now, luckily for Kelly, she had multiple avenues that John was willing to connect her with and this gets to be a lighthearted tale, but how often do these opportunities get missed? How often does the connection just not come through or the proposal comes too late, or the thing doesn’t come through on time, and all of a sudden you realize you’ve lost an opportunity that you can’t get back. That’s when you start to realize I should be making some room so that I can be ready to receive these gifts and opportunities when they come.


Well, many of us understand that our inner state of being is reflected in our outer circumstances. So, that inner way that I feel and that’s not just your inner state as in your inner emotional state. We’re also talking about your home state, your voicemail state. The things that you identify as yours all matter in your own energetic field. So, when you’re trying to attract better you’ve got to do better on these baseline levels even if it looks like cleaning up that voicemail. So, just as a reminder of what Kelly Merbler tells us, “When you’re calling comes, make sure your voicemail isn’t full.”


Alright. So usually you have Coffee with Kelly, but today we’re asking you to do a Clearing Quest with Kelly Merbler. Today or over the weekend we want you to clear something out. Maybe it’s your voicemail box like Kelly, maybe it’s your kitchen junk drawer. Maybe it’s your closet. Maybe it’s your car or your garage, but whatever it is – clear it out. You’ll feel so clear with a clean physical space and the messy backlog won’t take up any more of your mental real estate. Are you ready? Chime in here with us.

Kay & Shi:

Let’s quest!

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