Hey, Questers, happy Fri-yay! We are blown away that we have made it to episode 350…
…of the Mentorship Quest. Thanks for being along the ride with us.
Well, you know, you guys know we love our number synergy, so it is episode number 350, but it is also my husband’s birthday today and he is turning 40 and I am 35. So, in episode 350, he’s turning 40. It’s his birthday. A little bit of a stretch, a little bit of stretch, there.
And it’s the month of May so if you minus 5 five from 40.
Precisely. That is how you number game folks. But regardless of how you number game, happy birthday, honey, I love you and I hope you have a wonderful birthday. I’m excited to spend the weekend with you and to share with all of you Questers out there. This amazing quote from Ralph Waldo Emerson.
Well, who better than one of our OG transcendentalists from the mid-19th century to celebrate our practical mid-19th century transcendentalist that lives here in the 2000s Mr. Chad Morris. But in honor of that today, Ralph Waldo Emerson says, “All life is an experiment, and the more experiments you make, the better.”

I think this is kind of why travel is so attractive to people because the experiment is putting you in a completely different environment, something you’re not used to seeing. People, places, signs, culture, food, airports, routes, it’s all new which makes you be engaged and curious, and have to be activated and active. That’s all parts of an experiment. So, it’s fun and it’s exciting. So, realizing that we can take that vacation effect, that travel effect, and apply it to our everyday moments right now helps us see that life is an experiment all the time.
Well, in this experiment in order to know whether an experiment works, or doesn’t, you have to have some form of measure of success going into it. Shi, when you send the vacation moment and travel, I couldn’t help but think travel is a pretty low bar for success. What equals successful travel. If I’m going to travel to a new place and I’m going to come home and say that was a successful trip, I’ve probably seen some new things and I had some fun. That’s pretty…
It’s like cheating.
Yeah. Right. So, experimenting in the travel spaces is an easy one to get started with. Maybe you’re trying to build up your confidence before you jump into experimenting in the business space or experimenting in the parenting space or experimenting in another space where the consequences are real, and the success/fail looks very different.
If we think about it from a more scientific sense, like all life is an experiment. Okay, so what are the principles of an experiment? You’re going to have a hypothesis and I think in the human zone, we would call that your purpose or your calling.
Or even a question. I wonder what would happen if?
Right. I achieved this college degree and took it towards a career, or try to help an orphanage.
I wonder what would happen if I competed in a pageant…
…or lost 30 pounds.
These are all hypotheses that we put forward and then we use our life as the observation room and the experiment zone and the bottles with the smoke and the chemistry goggles. Okay. Maybe not quite that dramatic. But we have a process. We either are going to deduce or we’re going to induce things and we’re going to test theories out. So, you think, okay, well maybe my hypothesis is that I love to help people. So, I’m going to test the theory of doing that in the restaurant industry, or I’m going to test the theory of doing that in the hospitality industry, or I’m going to test the theory of doing that at an airport counter. You find ones that then move you more towards the results that you’re looking for. That’s what I love about life being an experiment because you get to decide what you want the results to be.
Well, the other interesting thing about an experiment is that it does not get called scientific proof or fact until it has gone through a process of review, peer review, and other people attempting that experiment. So, have you ever, maybe gotten down the path of life and done something successfully and turned around and attempted to teach somebody else only to find that they weren’t able to grasp exactly what it was that you did? That’s because, just like an experiment, everything that you do isn’t necessarily applicable to someone else’s set of skills and experiments as well. So, the more experiments you make, the better, not the more experiments you participate in, not the more experiments you think about. The more experiments you make, the better for your life if all life is indeed an experiment like Mr. Ralph Waldo Emerson tells us.
He also told us, “The more experiments you make, the better,” which brings us to your quest today. Of course, naturally, it is an Experiment Quest. Today, or one day within your weekend. So, you have just a few days to get this done. We want you to try something new that you’ve never ever done before and allow your brain to excitedly eat up the novelty. Not sure what you’ve not done. Google will be your best friend for this one. Alright. Are you ready?
Kay & Shi:
Let’s quest!
Happy weekend!
And happy birthday, Chad.