Hey there Questers, welcome back! It’s Wednesday, February 17th and as you know, this right here is Black History Month. That means that be it a Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday, your quote is being brought to you by a black leader. Now this one, I think many of you will know because she has made quite a name for herself in the entertainment industry. Give it up for Oprah Winfrey.
I feel like she’s a leaderess.
Leaderess, I love it!
Well, our queen leaderess Oprah tells us, “Every time you state what you want or believe, you’re the first to hear it. It’s a message to both you and others about what you think is possible. Don’t put a ceiling on yourself.”

I think this is one of the best pieces of advice from someone who I don’t think knows a glass ceiling.
Yeah, and she’s shattered all of them. I’m sure she’s seen them. I’m sure she’s crashed against them. I’m sure she’s even been cut by them, but she’s continued to forward, and she’s done it with a very powerful belief in using words and visualization and positive thinking and that focus and the power of where you put your energy and being able to bust through those ceilings and every time. It doesn’t mean sometimes, it means every time you open your mouth, or you type, or you text, or you do any of those things. You’re speaking into what it is that you believe in support or what it is that you don’t.
One of the things that I love that she underlines in this quote here is that “Every time you state what you want or believe, you’re the first to hear it.” Now, she doesn’t say every time you state what you want out loud. She doesn’t say every time you state what you want, that is constructive for you, or that you believe that is good for your life. She says that every time you want or believes. Now, sometimes I know that I state things that I think that I want when under some more examination, maybe that wasn’t really what I was looking to have happened in my life. Because I’m the first person to hear it doesn’t mean that it doesn’t happen and that the emotional effect of whatever it is that you’re thinking inside isn’t valid because it didn’t bounce off of another person. All of that dialogue still has the same effect as it would be it empowering or disempowering within you, just as it would if you were speaking it out loud to someone else.
Just this morning my fifth-grade daughter wrote a little comic and it said at the top of it, some people say that I dream too big and I say, you dream too small. She’s got two little guys on the bottom and one of them is saying, he’s got this thought bubble that’s saying Disney, and homeowner, and good-paying business and all of the things that a ten-year-old thinks are the big dreams and the goals and the things she hears her mom talk about. Then the other guy’s bubble just says work. How much does your bubble just say work? How much of our bubbles could be expanded if we take that ceiling off of ourselves and we speak it into existence and we share with others, what we believe, what we think is possible? A good example for Kay and I is there is a program in the Tony Robbins organization called The Platinum Partnership and it is $75,000 to join.
Per person, per year.
It’s really a lot of money, or at least for us where we are, that’s a lot of money in it. It has been a lot of money since we first heard about the organization about eight years ago and then about four or five years ago, we started speaking with intention. We really want to be part of that and then we’ve got to bring that money forward. Now, we’re not joining Platinum Partnership anytime soon, and actually, we’ve adjusted that to maybe not be part of it. But because we spoke about it, we focused on it, we talked about it, we looked at it, it became less and less audacious and more and more feasible. We started seeing and looking for ways that we could make that happen and it’s one of those things that I think not even saying it out loud because it sounds so scary and audacious wouldn’t have moved our feet in the direction that has turned out to be some pretty amazing things.
But, what’s interesting about that is that that led us to start to network with more people who are already in the Platinum Partnership program, which ended up leading to us being on one of our very first ever phone calls with our now business partner, Joseph McClendon III. So, literally had we not put that thought or that belief or that want into some form of action and start saying it, i we would have put that ceiling on ourselves and said it’s just too expensive, or we could never justify that kind of money, or it’s just not for us or whatever, that we wouldn’t have even taken those steps forward. Now, it’s turned into something more beautiful, and guess what? That goal is not even on the table anymore.
Yeah. Not even worried about it, don’t even really want it, but because we were attracted to it, and we spoke about it, we in earnest went and started investigating it, which has led to, as Kay mentioned, our new business partner and what we are affectionately calling our new life.
New life!
New life! So, to remind you of what queen leaderess Oprah Winfrey tells us…
Oh leaderess!
“Every time you state what you want to believe, you’re the first to hear it. It’s a message to both you and others about what you think is possible. Don’t put a ceiling on yourself.”
In the true spirit of Oprah Winfrey, we want you to own your beliefs today as this is an Own It Quest. Today, we want you to speak out loud only those beliefs that allow you to break the ceiling on your own possibilities and potentials. Those are the ones that you’re going to verbalize. Now we know there are some patterns in your head that might be at play, but we want you to verbalize some empowering beliefs for yourself today. Start with us right now. We’re going to give you our very favorite quote, and we want you to repeat it after us. “I believe that life is happening for me…”
“…and not to me.”
Are you ready?
Kay & Shi:
Let’s quest!