Hey-yo Questers welcome back! It’s Wednesday, February 10th and this is episode 288. We have such a cool quote for you today from one of our dear gal pals, the one and only Nicole Simmons!
Nicole is a lifestyle and leadership coach, a speaker and trainer, a CEO of Nicole Simmons Leadership, and host of Take Action Podcast – a phenomenal woman. As Kay mentioned, a dear friend and she tells us, “You make a sluggish mind active by disturbing it’s routine. It’s time to disturb some things.”
Kay & Shi:
What a good quote. Well, we’re going to get a little biological on you guys in this episode.
This is where we like to metaphorically push up our fake, imaginary glasses. So, everyone… put your finger on your nose…
Put your finger on your nose and push them up.
…and push them up.
Push up your nerd glasses…
Here we go…
…because we are going to get a little nerdy here. Now, many of you know that we are currently working with Joseph McLendon III and he has partnered with a gentleman named Dr. Amen who has uncovered a lot for us in regards to the brain. He wants us to talk about the mind. Instead of saying the mind and these thoughts we really want to think of this as the brain. So, we’re going to bring Nicole’s quote, which is really, I think, about those mind patterns and we’re going to talk about it in the light of the brain. So, you make a sluggish brain active by disturbing it’s routine. Now, this is actually something that you as a human being literally hardwire for.
I mean, push those nerd glasses up and let’s talk about this. You’ve got 100 billion neurons total in your brain and each of them has up to 15,000 connections with other neurons through what’s called synopsis and your neural pathways. So, when they start to look at what happens when you’re exposed to new positive experiences you actually get what Joseph McLendon III calls #AwesomeSauce. It’s that rain of good chemicals in your brain including dopamine and serotonin and norepinephrine and all of those great things. You get biologically incentivized to stretch and expand and experience new things because you’re getting that awesome sauce released to you when you do.
You actually have a center in your brain that is built and dedicated to processing new experiences and releasing awesome sauce for you when you come across that. Now, Shi you breezed by that pretty quickly, but there are 100 billion neurons in your brain and each of those neurons, each of those 100 billion can have up to 15,000 connections with other neurons. Keyword there as it can have, and we are built to flex the possibilities of synopsis. You cannot experience enough new things in your life. Your brain can take them forever for you because it’s that good for you and when you start to expand your neuroplasticity and your capability for creating these new neural pathways you find that things like learning, memory recall, engaging in life, habit-forming, all of those things become even easier.
What so many of us do to that beautiful brain that has the capacity to experience an unfathomable amount and give you a reward for each one of those experiences is we trap it into a routine that often we’re not even that happy with and that makes our mind sluggish. It does not have that neuroplasticity, that ability to flex and move and grow and we get in that literal brain rut that makes us feel sluggish. So, in order to get out of that, we’ve got to disturb it a little bit. We’ve got to stop that routine and after firing those neural pathways so long, that’s going to feel really weird. It’s like getting off that highway and onto a dirt road. It’s a little bit bumpy. It’s a little bit unknown, but it’s a little bit disturbing. When we disturb things, we get off that highway and we start experiencing new things, and then that beautiful cup of awesome sauce lands in our hands or in our brains.
Kay here. I got the pleasure of spending about 15 months of my life in a state called Florida.
I’ve never heard of it.
You may not have ever heard of it, but in Florida, they had this phenomenon that if you allow still water to hang out, natural, clean, still water, that’s not salted to hang out you get mold, you get bugs, you get yucky, you get all kinds of gross stuff happens when you allow still water to just hang out. So, what they do is with all of the ponds that are created, instead of allowing still water to fester and make things disgusting, they create fountains out of this still water everywhere. So, there are fountains everywhere you go in Florida because they literally have to disturb the water in order to keep it clean and hygienic so that people can live around it. So, your brain is the same thing. You’ve got to throw rocks in it. You’ve got to build a fountain so that it’s perpetually disturbed because then you’re creating more of those neural pathways and you can have a more fulfilling life.
So, as Nicole told us, “You make a sluggish mind active by disturbing it’s routine. It’s time to disturb some things.”
Alrighty gang you’ve got a #WorkoutWednesday Quest for you today! But we want you to wake up that routine by disturbing it with some type of physical activity that’s outside of the norm for you. If you’re usually a runner, maybe try some dance. If you’re usually a dancer maybe get on that treadmill. Alrighty, gang, we’ll see you soon. Are you ready?
Kay & Shi:
Let’s quest!