Hey there, Questers welcome back. Today is Wednesday, September 8th and this is episode 438. We have a Jenna Kutcher quote for you today. She’s the marketing expert and the host of the Goal Digger podcast and ooh, this is a good one.
She says, “Show up messy, show up imperfect, but just keep showing up.” Oh, this is so powerful, and I feel like this is almost a mantra that you have to say to yourself over and over when you don’t want to show up because those times definitely show up.
Absolutely. It is really hard to show up when you feel messy, when your life is messy, to show up to your goals, to show up to your habits, to show up to your business, to show up to your life. Now, you can’t always show up 100% in every single area at 100% always forever. That is an unreal, unreasonable expectation but you can keep showing up for your business. You can keep showing up for your family. You can keep showing up even if things are imperfect, even if you’re not 100% because it matters to just be in attendance.
Precisely. Those commitments that you’ve made can only compound their consistency. If you keep showing up. The reflection of this message from Jenna is don’t quit and it’s so easy to want to quit. You have so many justified reasons. If you heard all the reasons why Kay and I should quit some of the things that we do, you might be like, yeah, that seems logical. But there’s that piece of you that knows it’s what your spirit was created for. It’s what you’re born to do, and that struggle is part of it. So, not quitting, continuing to show up, allows the momentum to continue in the direction you want it to, but that doesn’t make it any easier in those moments.
No, and it also means that sometimes you have to allow yourself the gift of being imperfect. You might say, well, I only want to show up if I can show up at my 100. Well, you’re not going to be a hundred every day. You might feel like crap one day when you wake up and you can’t go 100 into work, but you can get the bare minimum done. You can move a ball forward down the field. You can do something in that realm to keep showing up for yourself even if you’re imperfect.
When I think about showing up, it doesn’t always mean just like pushing and grinding. Sometimes it means you wake up and you’re so sick and you need to go back to bed. But before you do that you know you had commitments. So, you get in the inbox, you spend the five minutes, you let your people know you’ve got to reschedule and then you go back to sleep. You’re still showing up, but you’re also showing up for yourself, for your health, for your mentality, for your body. I think it is important to find that harmony.
Yeah, and in this case, it’s about allowing yourself to do that when you’re not in the right state. Even if you are imperfect or maybe you are a bit of a mess don’t let that be the excuse for that. You’re not taking any action at all.
One thing that helps us show up or aka not want to quit is when we find ourselves getting into those mental thinking patterns that are only reminding you of how hard it is, how justified quitting would be, how righteous you are in your position, and how maybe you should just give up interrupting that pattern and to create a space for yourself. To think something different, do something different, get out of that mode because it’s not constructive and it gets you further and further away from showing up.
I recently watched a video where Drake was accepting an award and he was giving his thank you speech. He says, you know, a lot of people ask me, how did I get to be so successful? And I tell them that I really don’t celebrate much. I just keep showing up every single day. He said, look, half the time the stuff that I put down, isn’t even that good. He said, but I just keep coming and I just keep showing up and never give up on my dreams.
I love that. Pitbull recently said something too. Somebody said how can you make so many number one hits? He said, we just know and start making music. I make so much music that is not great, but I keep showing up and I keep investing in my craft and that obviously returns some yields that are worth it in so many different expressions and different ways. So, to remind you of what Jenna Kutcher tells us, “Show up messy, show up imperfect, but just keep showing up,”
Alrighty, guys, we have a Perfectly Imperfect Quest for you today. Today we want you to adopt the done beats perfect attitude and see how much more you can get done in all the things that you do if you don’t strive for perfection but instead strive to just show up. Are you ready? Shout it out with us now.
Kay & Shi:
Let’s quest!