Hello there Questers, today is Tuesday, August 31st, the final day of this beautiful hot month. This is episode 432 and we are here amongst the Maxwell Madness, during the International Maxwell Certification. We are bringing you all John C. Maxwell quotes, but today we have a very, very, very special, exciting thing because Shila and I are actually taking the stage at the International Maxwell Certification today to get out there and deliver the Maxwell Method of Marketing presentation and we are just so thrilled to be training with our 2000 fellow John Maxwell team members.
Now we’ve been on stage at this event, plenty of times. In fact, even starting at our very first one in 2015, but we have only been on THE stage, which is the big main stage one other time and that was August 2019. We were scheduled to be on THE stage, of course in March 2020 and you know how that happened. So, this is a long time coming. It’s been two years. We’re so excited. It’s one of our favorite presentations to give and groups to teach it to and it goes so well with the featured Maxwell Madness Quote, brought to you today by John C. Maxwell who says, “Enjoyment is an incredible energizer to the human spirit.”

Well, we certainly are going to enjoy our time today getting to present up on that stage. John is so right that when you are enjoying yourself, it’s an incredible energizer. Now, let me tell you guys something, we have just walked through a very difficult stretch of business. This last month has been, the last month or really two months has been some of the most challenging times that we’ve ever seen, and we navigated a restaurant through COVID shutdowns. We never thought 2021 would be harder, but the energizer of the enjoyment that we get to partake in today has helped to carry us through some of the difficult times in the last sixty.
It’s something that we learned kind of early on in our entrepreneurial journey was that we operated very well when we had events or exciting things on the calendar to look forward to whether it be a concert or a trip or a conference or an opportunity to speak on stage. But knowing that there were things coming up, helped picture the future enjoyment and feel it a little bit in the now and maybe carried us through some of those harder moments. So, know that as we’re getting onstage today, we have been relying on the future memory of today quite a bit these last few months.
Enjoyment really is one of those things that you can lean on in difficult times, maybe when you’re not enjoying yourself and it can also be something that for some of you out there who are really, really hard workers, you know who you are, that enjoyment can be difficult for you to accept because sometimes enjoyment just isn’t productive.
Like that relaxing or that having fun or that enjoyment piece can feel like well, I’m not maximizing my time or being the most productive. What’s most important to my goals is to be productive and enjoyment isn’t part of productivity. Look, we fall into that trap too, which is partially why we’re bringing you this quote today, it’s to remind ourselves as we do with so many of our quotes, but also to remind you and to help all of us understand that enjoyment is our birthright, that we are supposed to have this dimension of our human beings. In fact, our spirit really flourishes, and the secret sauce is it then energizes you. So, by allowing yourself to enjoy you, get that shot of energy, that helps you be productive and achieve the goal.
So, be it enjoyment that energizes you in the moment to go forward, or maybe it’s future enjoyment that is energizing you toward a certain goal, this John Maxwell quote certainly rings true. As he says that, “Enjoyment is an incredible energizer to the human spirit.”
Okay, today’s quest is twofold. One that is probably obvious to you. We want you to go out and find just a moment of enjoyment today whether it’s a window down a song, a blasted, a moment of quiet, or even maybe a tootsie roll. Do something that brings you some enjoyment today, but the other part of your quest is that we hope you will wish us luck on that stage today as we get to present to our John Maxwell team family. Are you ready? Say it with us now.
Kay & Shi:
Let’s quest!