Hello Questers, it is Monday, August 9th. This is episode 416, and it is Monday so we’re bringing you a quote that was submitted by our mama Misty Young. Our mama submitted one of her very favorite quotes from Dr. Wayne Dyer. But before we tell you this quote, we just want to let you know, this is a quote our mom has espoused for a very long time, and I just want you to put yourself into a 15- or 16-year-old Kay and Shila’s shoes and just think about this quote having been given to you as your rooted piece of advice. It is great advice and definitely got an eye roll or two from a teenager or two.
Alright, here it is. “The only person over whom you have direct and immediate control is yourself.” Kay is not lying. Mom, you said this all the time to us.

All the time.
You were saying 15 or 16. I was totally imagining nine-year-old me. I remember this hidden deep around the age of eight and nine because I would just grapple with this and feel like no, and others have control over me, and you hurt my feelings, or this happened. And now because of that, I have no choice but to be upset about things. But mom always practiced reframing with us and bringing this quote forward. It has as time goes on, becomes way less of an eye roll and more of a look up and praise because it’s the truth that you can take to the bank.
Man, you can take it to the bank, but it can be a tough pill to swallow because it is so much easier to look at your conditions and circumstances and find all the reasons why those conditions and circumstances are influencing your human experience.
I think that’s part of human nature and I think it honestly comes from a good place. It comes from that inner knowing on that spiritual level that we’re all connected, that everything impacts everything else. The kind of cliché the bees spread the pollen and, what nurtures them is what also keeps the plants from living and they trade the air, and the water helps. We’re in this delicate balance and delicate dance of life and we have this inner knowing of that. So, when it comes to understanding that the responsibility of the free will you’ve been assigned is yours and yours alone it’s hard to realize and sometimes bring that degree of separation forward and be like, oh, snap. But there is something that I control and that I am not being controlled by and that’s what I choose to do and what I choose to focus on.
The next layer of this quote that really, I think, drove home for us on the experience along the way is that Wayne is saying the only person over whom you have direct and immediate control over is yourself. But you as yourself has many different dimensions and the dimension of your thought and your feeling… Just roll with me for a second here. The dimension of your thought and your feeling is different from the dimension of your awareness which means that the only person whom you have that direct and immediate control, that only awareness that you have direct and immediate control over is yourself. So, if your awareness is getting carried off with the stream of your emotion and you are going along with it, you have to remember that you have direct and immediate control over that whole person aka that awareness and you can choose to shift it in a different direction.
You all ever ride this wave before, or you just are thinking about some other person and how you wish they would change or how they could do better, or how it’s so obvious what they should do with their life. You construct all of these different scenarios and conversations or different outcomes or blame games and frustration. You realize maybe you’ve driven the whole way home and you’ve been on autopilot the whole time because you’ve been thinking about this other person and what they should do, or you’ve been in the shower the whole time and you don’t even remember washing your hair because you got carried away and rode that wave of judging or thinking or putting your energy and investment into someone else and what you think they should do or how they should change. But that’s the beauty of this quote is reminding us of and then in those moments of getting carried away on that wave, reminding yourself, whoa, I could follow that, but it is 0% constructive for me or what I desire in my life or for cultivating a peaceful, inner experience or the love that I want to create. Riding that wave is easy because it’s distracting, but it is not anything you have control over. What you have control over is right inside of you.
So, as Wayne Dyer tells us and our mama Misty Young reminds us, “The only person over whom you have direct and immediate control is yourself.”
Alright, it’s time to Take a Moment Monday on our quest this week. Take a moment to be super present and feel you in you, that awareness in you as you and only you. It’s you up there and you’re in the driver’s seat. Are you ready? Grab the wheel with us now.
Kay & Shi:
Let’s quest!