Hey there, Questers, and welcome back. Today is Thursday, December 16th. This is episode 489. I believe today, Shi, we’ve got nine ladies dancing.
I believe you are right. And they are dancing towards the Christmas season. Here we are single digits until that 12/25 date. Our children are excited. We’re excited and we hope you are too, whether or not you’re celebrating. It’s a festive time of year and a great reminder to appreciate spirit and gratitude and all of the wonderful blessings around us. And one blessing I know I’m excited about is the quote that’s coming for you today because it is just a pure inspirational motivational quote. And sometimes you just need a little juice like that.
Well, this pure motivational, inspirational quote comes to us from a pure motivational and inspirational fellow, Mr. Mac Anderson, who was born in New Zealand and is the founder of Simple Truths and Success Stories Inc. A leader in designing marketing products for motivation and recognition, including thousands of motivational posters. Now, Mac tells us, “Behind me is infinite power, before me is endless possibility, around me is boundless opportunity.”
Like talk about a quote that’s giving us dimension here. This is allowing us to expand into past, present and future all with a spin that is helping us see expansion, light, positivity, potential. And I just love what he’s bringing forward here. So let’s chunk it down. First we’ve got “Behind me is infinite power.” And when we think about what infinite power means, to me, I think he’s really indicating here that power of source energy, that fact that we are spiritual beings having a human experience and the spiritual power that life force energy may extinguish out of our physical bodies, but is present in humanity, in animals and plants, throughout our Universe and world. And that infinite power is responsible for all of creation, so talk about a massive amount of power behind us. Kay and I also love the imagery of thinking about the power of your ancestors behind you. Think about all of the lines of generations, all of the people that had to meet the things that had to go right. The couples that had to get together in order for you to be where you are. It’s literally thousands of humans, millions of interactions in order for you to be sitting right where you are right now and listening or reading this. That’s pretty much infinite power at its finest.
Do you know what’s interesting about that, Shi? I just saw a video the other day that broke down the math about that. So over the last 400 years, in order for you -the individual human being to be here today -you- 4,000 ancestors had to live, had to come together, had to reproduce, had to successfully have a child that then successfully grew up and successfully had another child. Four thousand people had to do that. Now you might say, “Well, 4,000 people, that’s not a lot. There’s 8 billion of us.” There were not 8 billion of us. Jot even just a hundred years ago, there weren’t 8 billion of us. There were way, way less human beings on the planet. And infant mortality rates were at 50%. You had a half of a chance of actually making it. And so, that’s 4,000 people who’ve struggled, 4,000 people who lost other children, who didn’t have more children. That’s 4,000 people who woke up some days wondering where their food came from. I bet there’s one person in there who was a king who stomped on other people and was terrible. Right? So just to think about the endless possibility, the infinite power, the boundless opportunity, both behind you and your ancestry around you and the energy is like, it’s just crazy what it takes for you, you beautiful spec of a person, to be here today.
So, if that’s infinite power fueling us from behind, “ahead of us” must mean then that there’s literally endless possibility that the future is not written yet, and that’s what’s the most exciting thing. Can we somewhat predict what comes on the next page? Of course, but that’s beautifully said by one of our favorite singers, Doris Day, “Que será, será.” The future’s not ours to see. You don’t get to know what comes on that next page. Most of us did not know what 2020 was going to look like. It was a possibility that was not in most of our awarenesses, unless you were Bill Gates or some top level scientist. And even then, you didn’t know precisely when and what it was going to be. And that might not be a positive possibility, although I know many of us can see lots of positive results and outcomes that have come from that. But knowing that that blank page is ahead, that the future is not written, that we don’t know what it is, and that means that with infinite power comes endless possibility can tell us that the future is so bright.
Well, the thing about endless possibility is that it truly does create what is here in this third sentence, which is this boundless opportunity, right? “Around me is boundless opportunity,” and it could not be that way if before you there was not “endless possibility,” good or bad. He does not say boundless, incredible, happy opportunity that is only bound to make you ecstatic in your life. He says “boundless opportunity.” We are human beings. The opportunities that we come across are both beautiful and challenging. That’s part of the journey in order to get us to the end. So this idea of endless possibility being the catalyst for boundless opportunity around you might help you to open yourself up a little bit to the fact that good and bad exists. So, it always comes back to that beautiful, beautiful gift of focus in order to get you to that place of being able to take the most advantage of the boundless opportunity around you to create the endless possibility of the beautiful future.
Well, yesterday we had Lords a-leaping. Today, all you ladies out there, we hope you are dancing. And we hope that all of you are embracing the power, the possibility and the opportunity of this quote from Mac Anderson who tells us, “Behind me is infinite power, before me is endless possibility, around me is boundless opportunity.”
All right, gang. Today, we have a #ThoughtfulThursday quest for you. We want you to do a six minute meditation. Now this might seem like a very specific number and it is because we want you to do a quick six minutes today focusing two of your minutes on the infinite power behind you, honoring your ancestry, a two minute power before you, honoring the endless possibility of your future, and then a two minute focus on the boundless opportunity and bounty of abundance around you at all times. Are you ready?
Let’s quest.