Hello, Questers, and welcome. It’s December 24th. First off, it’s an incredibly important day because it is Shila’s half birthday.
Everyone needs to know Shila’s half birthday is today. Oh yeah…
It’s a big deal.
…and Christmas Eve.
But mostly it’s my half birthday.
Mostly it’s Shila’s half birthday. We are a couple of turtle doves coming at you today. Looking forward to that partridge in the pear tree tomorrow on Christmas Day. The anticipation is high. All of the children in both of our houses are in full Christmas frenzy, and we will be spending this evening together in tradition, watching movies, putting together puzzles, and enjoying one another’s company. So, Shi, what’s our quote here on this beautiful Christmas Eve?
Well, turtle dove, it is from Winston Churchill today and it is, “We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.”

What a beautiful quote and so relevant here in the season of giving. Now, at this point in the season, most likely you’re done with your Christmas shopping today and tomorrow, you’re going to get to watch your loved ones receive the things that you’ve prepared and what an exciting time it is.
It is always so fun and it’s that payoff of all of the weeks of work and maybe obligation and those kinds of things. Then, we realize and relish that feeling of giving to others and that’s what makes it so special, is by being able to see others’ faces and experience those feelings of joy. I think Christmas is one of those great days. On that day for those of us that celebrate where you get to see this quote reflected to you. You make a living by what we get. All of the shopping and the wrapping. You had to receive, or you had to get stuff. You had to get presents. You had to get money to buy the presents, but life is made up of those moments with special other people, but you make a life by what we give. You give time, you give attention, you give gifts, you give love, you give and that’s what makes that life so rich and have so much meaning.
Shila and I really love to take the four to five days prior to Christmas to really experience that life and that moment as the world begins to slow down and fall in love a little, and everyone starts to open up their hearts and their minds. We really relish this time of year leading up to the day itself because it seems like more people are living that life. They’re not making the living; they’re living the life and there’s an energy about that that’s incredibly palpable if you can tune into it.
It makes us want to tune into it and we hope that you all tune into it as well. Whether you’re celebrating or not, we hope you have a great weekend and if you are celebrating Christmas, we hope that you enjoy your family and that you enjoy your time together and today is Christmas Eve. Kay and I often say this is actually more of our favorite day because of that sense of anticipation, that sense of awe and looking forward to getting to cherish those moments and make that life is what is so sweet. So, to remind you Winston Churchill tells us, “We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.”
Alright, guys, today we are asking you on your Fri-yay Quest to choose to support a charity or make a donation this Christmas. Now, we challenge you to get this done by the end of the new year, and if you don’t have any more monetary or gift value to give, we encourage you to find an opportunity to maybe give a little of your time in the week to come. Are you ready?
Let’s quest! Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas!