A Daily Scroll: A Mentorship Recap – October 14th 2021 – Show Notes


Hey, hey, Questers welcome back. Today is Thursday, October 14th and this is episode 464. We have a quote for you today from Dolores Del Rio also known as María de los Dolores Asúnsolo y López Negrete. She’s a Mexican actress, dancer, and singer with a career spanning more than 50 years and is regarded as the first major female Latin American crossover star in Hollywood.


What an icon and let’s give you her quote now. She says, “Take care of your inner, spiritual beauty. That will reflect in your face.”


Well, Delores was a beauty indeed. Both seemed to radiate from the outside and shine from the inside.


Most certainly that inner beauty and spiritual peace are what helped her radiate for so long. This concept here, I think most of us probably have been innately recognizing it, whether or not we’ve quantified it intellectually like Delores has here. There are some older people in your life that are just so jolly, so happy. They have the sparkle in their eye and their face is still beautiful and their presence is still youthful. Their physicality is still attractive from an energetic stance, and we love to be around them. That’s because they have that inner spiritual beauty. It’s almost like they have a little joyful secret, and you can feel it. I hope to carry that flame and torch as well but love that she helps us emphasize it as maybe the physical “standard beauty” deteriorates as we get older, that there is this so much brighter and more beautiful beauty that emerges.


So glad that you talked about that radiation and the way that you can feel someone who has spiritual beauty. Someone who has spiritual beauty, who is really at peace within their own soul, you can just feel that around them and it feels really good. But that’s also something when someone’s in that state of peace, and I guess you even want to say pleasure because they’re enjoying life. They’ve got the sparkle in their eye. They’ve got a smile on their face. They seem like they have that secret. That reflects on their face. Those are all things that are happening on that person’s face at that time. The sparkle in their eye, the hidden smile, those things that contribute to the outer beauty but that are generated by that inner peacefulness. If we think about it in the opposite too, if somebody is miserable on the inside and they’ve got the deep lines of the frowning and the anger, or they’ve treated their body horribly, you see that on their face.


I’m so glad you flipped the coin there because it’s sadly more often the example that we see for most of us. That the face, even a beautiful youthful face, somebody who’s just not at peace inside or doesn’t have that inner spiritual connection. It can not only detract from physical attractiveness, but it detracts from that energetic attractiveness. There are people who, you’re like, I know they’re physically beautiful, but I don’t even see it because of, of how nasty it is to deal with who they are on the inside or how closed off they are or how just clearly negative emotional experience they’re having on the inside, which is reflective of that inner spiritual turmoil. Not pity, but that’s got to be tough to live in that existence and it does show on your face.




Like you’re grimacing through life.


Or you’ve got that contempt for life or as people speak you zone out or listen or wait for your opportunity to answer and all of that reflects on your face. Your face has something crazy. I don’t even know what it is, but it is over 100 muscles. You have a lot of muscles. You have more muscles in your face than you have anywhere else in your body, in the singular location because of the flexibility you’re meant to show and study after study after study shows and demonstrates that what you’re feeling on the inside shows on your face no matter how hard you try to deny it or try to hide that. You might say, well, I’m cold as ice. It does not matter. The new kind of technology that they have can literally look at micro twinges in your face. Because as Dolores Del Rio tells us, you’ve got to take care of that inner spiritual beauty, because that will reflect in your face.


Alright, that brings you to your Thoughtful Thursday Quest today. Take at least one minute out of your day and look at the beautiful face of yours in the mirror. Bonus points for saying an affirmation or two or telling yourself I love you. Smile back at your reflection and admire the face that you’ve created. Are you ready? Mirror it with us now.

Kay & Shi:

Let’s quest!

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