Hey, there Questers, it’s September 14th, episode 442 and we’re so glad to have you here. We have a popular quote for you today from the LGBTQ+ community, kind of a war cry, if you will and that is, “Love is love.”
Simple, easy, beautiful, a concept that pretty much everyone would agree with including from two years old and up. “Love is love,” and it is a beautiful thing.
Well, today is my… Kay here, my anniversary with my partner Danny and this year he joined the LGBTQ+ community and embracing himself as a non-binary individual who has a lot more gender fluidity than he had initially allowed himself to express. So, it’s been amazing in this last year to see the way that our love has flourished and changed but what I’ve really learned in the process is that this quote rings true. “Love is love.”
You know, eight years ago you walked down the aisle and married Danny and said vows, and you guys have had this beautiful love and relationship ever since. To see him come forward earlier this year and say, look, I’m a boy with my parts but I like to express like a girl, and I like to just have my gender be more fluid. To sometimes dress this way, to sometimes wear makeup, to sometimes have my hair be long or colored, or wear a headband. Kay, it’s been so amazing to watch you really embrace the essence of the quote here. Look, “Love is love.” I married a human and I love this human, and we have this life together, and how much really changes if sometimes he’s got eyelashes on and a skirt.
I didn’t marry t-shirts and jeans. I didn’t marry a certain type of shoe. I did not marry a haircut. I married a human being and humans are very dimensional and that’s what we’ve really come to learn in this whole process is the dimensionality of humans. You might be wondering yourself, what does non-binarism even mean? It really comes down to an individual maintaining the day-to-day flexibility, like Shila said to present however they want. Some days he looks like a full-on dude and it’s kind of like, alright, like dude ship but sometimes he presents in a more feminine light with the skirt, with the eyelashes, with some makeup on and that is okay because ultimately what many religions and people all around the world believe is that the ultimate power in the universe really comes down to love.
Well, when you have a love that’s pure and that is expressed through someone who feels fully themselves the love is more fully enveloping and more fully dimensional. I’ve never honestly seen the two of you so happy and I’ve definitely never seen Danny so happy, a transformed person. Eye contact and excitement and energy. I mean he lost a bunch of weight. He got more active in parenting and contributing to the house and became way more engaged on the summer family trip, cooking in the kitchen and helping. So, to see somebody who knows they’re accepted, who knows that love is love and can fully express ends up fully expressing in more ways than just style and it’s really cool to see.
Well, many of us have heard the adage that we can only love someone at the capacity with which we love ourselves. So, being able to fully embrace that portion of themselves and express in the way that makes them feel most comfortable has been so liberating for Danny and being able to allow them to embrace that totality and that liberation showers the rest of us with the contribution, with the love that he gives to the family and so much more. So, to remind you of today’s very popular LGBTQ+ community quote, the war cry is, “Love is love.”
And that brings us to your quest today. We want you to display one small act of kindness toward another human being because after all love is love and join me Shila in wishing Danny and Kay a very happy eighth anniversary. We’re so proud of you and we love you. After all, love is love. Are you ready? Love it with us now.
Kay & Shi:
Let’s quest!