Hello, hello Questers welcome in. This is kind of a fun episode number. We are at four, four, four.
Four, four, four.
444. It is September 16th; a beautiful Thursday and we have a quote for you today from Disney’s Rapunzel. Rapunzel tells us, “Step outside of your comfort zone for that’s where life truly begins.”

Now it’s easy for Rapunzel to tell us this at the end of her documented adventure. But when she is in the mode of needing to step out of her comfort zone, she agonizes over the decision leading up to it and even right after it. So, certainly not discounting the fact that the difficulty of stepping outside of your comfort zone is demonstrated through her story and she’s then telling us what’s on the other side is so worth it.
If you have yet to see Disney’s rendition of Rapunzel, it is a movie called Tangled and it is fantastic.
Man, I love in this movie that, like Shila says when Rapunzel is at the literal moment of coming out of her tower and she’s about to put her feet on the ground she has this whole crisis and you actually get to kind of watch her go through it. She goes through this emotional roller coaster of being out of the tower for the first time in her life of, “oh my God. I disappointed my mother” to like, “yea, I’m out”. “My God, I’m the worst person in the world” to “woo, I’m free”. So, it’s really interesting to see this displayed because it is not comfortable to get out of your comfort zone.
Nope, and it’s not a switch that’s, “oh, good I’m out here now, and look, my life has begun”. It takes time to build momentum in the unknown territory that is outside of your comfort zone. I also appreciate the verb that Rapunzel brings forward here. “Step outside of your comfort zone”. Not necessarily “get shoved outside” which also works, but it’s far more painful. Also not telling us to “leap outside” because if it’s unknown outside that circle you’d not necessarily know where you can land. Now, you can do scout missions and you can figure things out as you expand that comfort circle into new territory but “stepping outside” allows you to do that. That is that scout mission. That’s that calculated next step. I know it’s scary. I know it’s hard, but my next step is in this direction, which is outside of my comfort zone.
So, taking those little steps one at a time eventually leads to big leaps of space covered, but that little bit of a step is such an important place to begin and when you start to take those steps outside of your comfort zone, things are just uncertain That’s the difference between your comfort zone and your non-comfort zone. Where you are comfortable means that you’re very certain and things get uncertain outside that comfort zone. But there’s something about the uncertainty that allows you to really be pulled into the present moment.
And that’s what we find with the industry all around chasing that flow state. This whole industry of people who are climbing rocks without ropes or jumping off cliffs with the squirrel suit on, or even getting crazy ridiculously overdosed on drugs or going to music festivals. They’re chasing this experience that magnifies their moment down to the very, very present moment in front of them. That’s very addictive because that is where life begins just like Rapunzel is saying here. But that is outside of our comfort zone because comfort is comfortable. You get used to it. It’s around all the time. It’s that law of exposure and over time you just get used to it. So, being able to expand that circle brings you into that present moment and that consciousness, which feels so good and hopefully helps encourage you to take the next step out of the comfort zone.
I’m so glad that you said expand that comfort zone, expand that circle of comfort because that’s really exactly what happens. Each time you take a step out the box gets wider; the circle gets wider which means you’re always finding new ways to be uncomfortable.
So, just to remind you of what Disney’s Rapunzel tells us, “Step outside of your comfort zone for that’s where life truly begins.”
Alright, guys, it’s Thursday so that means you’ve got a Thoughtful Thursday Quest. Today we want you to reflect on this question, where do you need to step out of your comfort zone in your life. Decide on it and take a small step, a little action today. No matter how little it might be, take that step out of your comfort zone because we know that’s where life truly begins. Are you ready? Speak it with us now
Kay & Shi:
Let’s quest!