A Daily Scroll: A Mentorship Recap – September 17th 2021- Show Notes


Hey-yo Questers, happy Fri-yay. It is September 17th. This is episode 445 and we have a quote from a superstar actress and beauty, I would say advocate and influencer, Gwyneth Paltrow.


She tells us, “Beauty, to me, is about being comfortable in your own skin. That, or a kick-ass red lipstick.”


Love this quote. So good. Love this first portion of the quote especially. The second portion, sassy and fun, but really love this idea of beauty being defined with someone being comfortable in their own skin.


If you tuned in yesterday, we talked about life beginning on the other side of the comfort zone and that’s absolutely true when it comes to our goals or the journey and voyage of our life in general unfolding and progressing. But your internal experience, if you’re uncomfortable internally can be something really disruptive and absolutely unhealthy for you as well.


Well, internal un-comfortability really manifests into external un-comfortability and the way that it comes together can be manifesting and creating un-comfortability in your relationships, manifesting, and creating additional un-comfort in your life circumstances. So, when you have this uncomfortableness within your own skin it doesn’t matter what size you are. It can have a real-life effect on your life.


Yeah. I guess you are uncomfortable on the inside when you’re in growth mode but what Gwyneth is telling us here is specific to beauty. So how you see yourself, what your body image is. When you look in the mirror, do you have an immediate disgust reaction? If so, a huge red flag should be waving in front of your face because that’s not a conducive environment for a positive, peaceful experience, which is the quest most humans are on.


Right. Whether you are larger, whether you are skinnier, whether you’re tall or short, or in between, everyone deserves the feeling of being comfortable within their own skin. Look, if you woke up today and your eyes opened and you’re breathing just like we are today, a million things had to go right in order for all of those things to happen. Even for you to blink right now there are so many neurons firing to make sure that you are alive right now and so many get hung up on oh, I’m 10 pounds overweight or I’m too skinny or whatever that looks like, that we start to forget that our very physical existence is a gift in and of itself.


Think about when you meet somebody and you can instantly tell that they’re comfortable in their own skin even if they have some kind of physical feature that you would necessarily maybe off the bat identify as not traditionally beautiful. Whether it’s a weight thing or nose structure or a missing limb or a haircut or forehead structure, whatever. There’s something about that. Initially, you see that, and you notice the physicality piece of it. But when that person is so comfortable in their own skin when they own it, when they don’t make jokes about themselves about it. When they’re just open and loving and you can feel their heart energy, and they’re willing and they’re not having the self-conscious feeling you feel that, and it makes you feel more comfortable, and you realize that they’re happy and they’re comfortable and you want to be around those kinds of people. Then think about the opposite. We’ve all met the person who is definitely uncomfortable in their skin, who talks about how uncomfortable they are in their own skin, who is vocal about it and whose energy radiates that, and is that somebody you really want to hang out with? Most of us would say not really.


Right, because that can be really draining, and oftentimes what people who are very uncomfortable in their own skin end up doing is relying on the opinions of people around them and the validation from external sources. Maybe you are in that friendship situation that can be very draining for the individual on the other side. But before we get too far off into the weeds on this first part of the quote, we’ve got to bring up the second part because she says that beauty could even be a kick-ass red lipstick. What I love about this is that if you are a lady, and for our gentlemen listeners, just a little heads up here, it can be a little daunting to wear bright red lipstick.


Absolutely. You’re calling attention to yourself and you’re making a statement about your personality and about your confidence. So, it can almost be like the superhero mask you put on.


It can. So, when you put on that red lipstick because you’re calling it out, it really has this effect of you’ve got to be confident enough to rock your red lipstick especially if it’s not something that you do always. So, I love that she talks about that here and how that feeling of kick-ass red lipstick can really help you to feel like you are beautiful and comfortable in your own skin.


Alright. To remind you of what Miss Gwyneth Paltrow says, “Beauty, to me, is about being comfortable in your own skin. That, or a kick-ass red lipstick.”


Alright, everyone, it is Fri-yay which means today we have a Quick Quest for you, but we want you to go look yourself in the mirror. If you are finding things on your body that you’re like, ah, I don’t love my tummy, or I’m just not a super fan of my face or whatever you have judged yourself for in the past. Get into that mirror and give yourself some compliments. Thank your body for blinking. Thank your body for breathing. Thank your body for the functions that it gives if you can’t find something that’s physically beautiful about that. I promise you it will make your weekend a more beautiful place. Are you ready? Say it with us now.

Kay & Shi:

Let’s quest!

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