Hey, hey there Questers welcome back. It’s our very first day of a brand-new month, and you’ve got to love a fresh start like this. It’s September 1st episode 433 and this is Maxwell Madness. We have a John Maxwell quote for you today. It is a simple one, but so, so very impactful. John says, “The secret of your success is determined by your daily agenda.”

Probably one of his top five quotes. You’ve maybe even heard this quote and didn’t know who John was, or you’ve heard of this idea and premise before. But this is one of John’s cornerstone teachings and really valuable pieces of advice. So, let’s dig into it and talk about daily agendas and that secret of success because he even makes it simpler in one of our favorite quotes of John. It’s not very sexy because it’s just two words, but it is that consistency compounds and this is helping expound on that idea and telling us exactly what it is we need to do consistently in order to have it compound towards success and he tells us it’s in that daily agenda.
Now, he doesn’t say in your agenda, he doesn’t say in your agenda for the week, he doesn’t say in your meeting set up for the day, he says your daily agenda. So, what you are getting out of your life is determined by what you’re putting in every single day. Now, what you’re getting out today is likely a result of what you put in about three to five weeks ago and the daily efforts of that. So, really considering this from that daily agenda, granularizing your success down into what am I doing now? Not what should I do tomorrow, or what can I do in the future? What’s advantageous for me down the road or any of that. What are you doing today that’s moving you towards success?
Yeah. What I like about this advice is that if you are a person that perhaps gets overwhelmed, then you can just allow yourself to focus on the 24 hours at hand. What can you do in the 24 hours? What are you doing today? What actions are you taking and not letting it get bigger than that, or scarier than that, or farther than that, because he’s telling us here the secret of success is in that daily agenda. So, if you win the day, you win the week. If you win the week, you win the month and you know how the rest of that goes. Winning the day is where that starts, and our daily agenda is what do we plan to do? What are we structuring into our day? What are we intentionally putting time towards, intentionally giving space on our calendar for? What is it that we are putting into our agenda? Not our daily hopes and dreams, not our daily slot of time, our daily agenda. What is it that we’re making intentional time for is something that can drastically and radically transform your life?
You know, many people will say, well, that’s great girls. I get it and I want to be successful based off my agenda, but my agenda’s packed and I’m too freaking busy. I can’t even focus on what I want to do because I have too much stuff in my agenda already. So, get out of here Kay and Shi, stop talking about my agenda. Well, what we would say to you is take an examination of that daily agenda and of the meetings that you’re sitting in and the things that you’re participating in and the places that you’re going. Are you:
(a) maximizing that time? And are you
(b) staying in your flame?
Are you doing the things that are most important for you to do? If you’re a solopreneur and you’re not making the sales calls, because you think it’s more important to be organizing your Google Drive, then you need to stop and take a look at that daily agenda and maybe take the hour you have set aside for Google drive organization and just call the people for the sales.
So now when John talks about his daily agenda, there are certain things he does every day. Well, some of the things he does every day are every day, he thinks. He has structured thinking time not just, oh, I think, but like I have it on my agenda to have structured deep-thinking time. Every day he writes. He is an author and that’s always been a passion of his. So, he finds time to write on his agenda, he doesn’t hope there’s time to find the time. Every day he files. If you’ve ever read a John Maxwell book, you know that it’s full of quotes and stories and colloquial examples from other people’s writings and other people’s stories.
He would not have been able to gather all of those for 100 plus books had he not had a filing system in place. If you have ever filed anything, you know, if you don’t do it on the daily, it becomes this big ugly task, and then maybe you just abandoned your filing system altogether. That certainly won’t result in the success you’re seeking. So, what are those, if you go from the macro perspective, what are those macro things that you’re doing on the daily? If you’re someone who exercises consistently, that shows up on your daily agenda whether or not you are jam-packed with meetings or traveling or any of those things because that’s something that you plan for and you put on your agenda. So, just to remind you what John tells us, “The secret of your success is determined by your daily agenda.”
Alright, everyone, that means that today you are going to take five short minutes to evaluate your daily agenda for the last seven days. If you zoom out five years, will the habits that you displayed in the last seven days give you the success that you seek over a five-year period? Are you ready? Evaluate it with us now.
Kay & Shi:
Let’s quest!