Hello, Questers welcome back. It’s Tuesday, September 21st, which means it’s the solstice. We’re so glad to be here at the Equinox for the fall time as we move into a new season. There are all kinds of amazing things ahead this fall, and we look forward to the turning of the season. This is episode 447 and in addition to being the first day of fall, it is also World First Aid Day and in honor, we have a quote for you from Mother Teresa.
She tells us, “There are no great things, only small things with great love. Happy are those.” Now in full transparency I read this quote and was like that can’t be the whole quote. I had to Google it and be like “happy are those” but… This is the whole quote and that’s what makes it kind of poetic on top of being practical on top of being deep on top of being beautiful is that reminder that happiness is found in progress. If we’re going to take Tony Robbins’ take on it. And happiness is found in those small things that are done with great love. That with great love small things can add up to big things but that great love piece is the difference-maker.

You know I even think and reflect here in the turning of the season that an entire forest turned into a beautiful yellow or red or orange color may seem like a great thing but that one big beautiful great thing you’re seeing is the result of each individual leaf turning small. That small thing turning with the love of the season. The season comes back and reminds us that it’s time to move into the next phase of the year and so with love, those individual leaves continue to change until before we know it, we have the great thing of a hot auburn forest.
I think Mother Teresa… Well, I love that you brought that forward Kay that nature reflects this. It’s the same in a snowstorm. It’s the same with the sand on the beach. It’s the same with the trees in the forest as Kay mentioned or the water in the ocean. It is all of those small things done with the universal great love that makes something great and that can help elicit happiness for ourselves and for the world at large. But Mother Theresa helping us understand that the things that we may call great can be big, large achievements or big, significant events or gigantic circumstances that come forward that just rock the boat forevermore. But if we examine them close enough, we can see that almost all of them have a bunch of small things and we can think of disastrous things and great things. We’re leaning towards the great things here with this quote but then it is this combination and compilation of these small things with the most important ingredient of all, which is love.
When you think about little things that you approach with love versus little things that maybe you approach with angst. Let’s just take an example of doing the laundry. I don’t personally love doing the laundry but if I approach the task of doing the laundry with anger and resentment and difficulty even that small task of just folding your clothes now becomes a great task, now becomes something that’s bigger. But when I can do that small thing with love, I find happiness in the moment and I’m able to shift my entire emotional perspective and I’m better off in the process.
Well, and all we have is right now. It’s that small piece in the hourglass between the top and the bottom that only one grain of sand can fall through at a time or a very small stream, which means that’s just like when our consciousness is. You’ve got the big past behind you, the big future in front of you but the present is this one grain of sand, this one small moment and bringing a great love and great intention and great awareness to that ultimately results in great happiness for us.
So, as Mother Teresa tells us, “There are no great things, only small things with great love. Happy are those.”
Alright, it’s time for your quest. Take some time out of your day today to tell somebody how special they are to you. It’s a small thing but when you do it with great love, you’ll find happiness. Are you ready? Say it with us now.
Kay & Shi:
Let’s quest!