A Daily Scroll: A Mentorship Recap – September 24th 2021 – Show Notes


Hello Questers and welcome back. It’s a fabulous Friday and this is September 24th. It’s episode 450 and before we jump into today’s quote and lesson, we have a special shout out to our one and only Megan Scott.


Megan, it is her birthday today and if you know anything about us, you know that we love Megan. She has been with us for, well, I think six years as of tomorrow. It’s her six-year anniversary or maybe it’s her five-year, but she’s been with us for quite some time and we just adore her. We like to call her our manager. She literally manages our lives, and we don’t know what we would do without her. So today Miss Megan Scott happiest of birthdays to you. We love you tremendously and we hope that you are celebrated for the fabulous woman that you are.


Happy birthday, Megan, we are so glad to have you in our lives and in our organization. Okay, let’s get off on to it. We’ve got a really cool quote for you today from a BA A-list actress Angelina Jolie and she tells us, “If you ask people what they’ve always wanted to do, most people haven’t done it. That breaks my heart.”


So, this quote here, I love that it shows the spirit of Angelina. Just coming out and saying, “This breaks my heart.” We see her genuine life purpose, desire just displayed here with this quote. It breaks her heart when she sees that people aren’t living their best lives, that they’re not out there maximizing their one trip on this earth, that they aren’t experiencing all of the things and doing everything that they wanted to do, and going for the big dream, that breaks her heart. I love that it shows her spirit on the individual level. But the societal reflection of this first part is I think the more fascinating piece of this quote and the more probably fascinating piece for you as well because it’s kind of a turn of phrase. It goes and you’re like ha. If you ask people what they’ve always wanted to do, most people haven’t done it. Shoot! What does that mean about the mirror that we hold up to society if most people have the desire, wants, dreams, goals, hopes that they never achieve or strive after or try for? What does that mean about us as a people and how do we change it?


I think there are many of us that grew up with the idea of just be grateful for what you have or look around you with the things that you’ve got and understand that good is good enough. This is all a wonderful lesson and can be great when you have gratitude in your heart for the abundance and blessings in your life. But I do think that many people often take that to the next extreme and allow it to hold them back by saying if I dream bigger than where I am right now maybe the question is am I not being grateful for the things that I have in this moment?


Yeah. That’s a great thing that I think we see in this mirror as it gets held up to society at large as well. What do we see? We see this pattern of wanting to play it safe. We say we see a pattern of valuing certainty and security and those things are important. We’re definitely not throwing those things out of the window. If you heard us earlier this week talking about trial and error, not all trials are created equal. We want to go into a trial informed and with a plan and the execution in a way that looks methodical and is intelligent, but it does mean going in and doing it and actually starting the trial. Here, if we, if we look in that mirror of society and we see that most people don’t start the trial or that they don’t do any of the work and they go, okay, I get inspired at a moment. Angelina says, most people don’t do it. I’m going to do it and they just go running towards something without any information at all and then they fail, or they get hurt or they get snapped back. Then they never want to try again, which is perhaps one of the biggest tragedies of all.


When we can’t get ourselves back up again to go forward, we end up compromising our dreams. So, when you start asking people this question, what have you always wanted to do? Ask yourself the question right now, what have you always wanted to do? And can you truthfully say to yourself that you’ve done it? Now many of you who are listening because you’re on the path of growth, you can say I have done it, or I’ve done a lot up until this point that makes me really super proud. But maybe you’re looking toward your future and thinking to yourself, you know what, there’s more that I want here. There’s more that I want to gain from this life. We would encourage you to get after it and start writing a little bit down of what you want. Be intentional about putting that pen to paper so that when Angelina eventually asks you the question, what have you always wanted to do that you have a better answer for her than I haven’t done it. Because, after all, we don’t want to break Angelina’s heart.


We don’t. Well, to remind you of what Angelina said, “If you ask people what they’ve always wanted to do, most people haven’t done it and that breaks my heart.” So, think on that. But today, your quest has nothing to do with the quote because instead, we ask you to join us in wishing Miss Megan Scott, a very happy birthday. It would make our hearts swell to see the swell of love and support that we know is out there. If you’re fans of Kay and Shi then you’re also a fan of Miss Megan Scott who does so much to support all of the different components of our lives from the restaurants to our families, to even the Mentorship Quest right here. So, please join us on social media and via email wishing Miss Megan Scott a very happy birthday. Are you ready? Birthday with us now?

Kay & Shi:

Let’s quest!

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