A Daily Scroll: A Mentorship Recap – September 27th 2021 – Show Notes


Hello there, Questers, and welcome back. It’s Monday, September 27th and this is episode 451. We have a quote for you today from someone who we personally find to be a very delightful man the one and only Dr. Bruce Lipton.


Bruce tells us, “We can control our lives by controlling our perceptions.” Ooh, it’s a shorty but it’s a goodie this week talking about how we can get control by bringing the control internally rather than trying to control external circumstances.


In Bruce’s book, “The Biology of Belief” he claims that belief can actually help to influence human biology just as much as DNA and inheritance, and that belief can actually have generational effects upon a being so shy. What is he talking about when he’s giving us this idea of perception?


You know, perception is really a way of understanding or interpreting something. It’s a lens or an angle. If you think about a three-dimensional statue, you can walk around that statue, and how you see and what you see changes based on your angle. That’s really what perception is all about. It’s how you’re looking at something in the angle that you’re looking at it.


The old tale of the four blind men holding onto the elephant. One has the leg and says, it’s a tree. One has the tail and says, no, it’s a fuzzy bush. One has the trunk and says, no, it’s a snake and they’re all at the elephant but they only have one piece. It really depends on where they’re looking at and what piece of the truth they hold.


So many of us attempt to control our lives. Heck I know I do it all the time, really trying to set up circumstances in order to get a certain result or sway opinions in order to influence in a direction that I think is the right thing for everybody involved and we do these things sometimes fruitlessly and sometimes fruitfully. We can have some influence but the best way to control our lives. It’s like when you’re messing around with the small pennies and you’re missing the big dollars, the best way to do it is to control that perception and maybe reorient what it is that how it is that we’re looking at it.


I think no more looking to control our perceptions or at the very least understand them. It’s important to understand that as social beings our perceptions are really shaped by our upbringing, our history, our personal and interpersonal experiences, our trauma, and so much more. So, with your worldview and what you see in the world is big-time dictated on what happened to you in your life. What you’ve gone through, how you’ve been raised and what you believe.


If you don’t bring any awareness to this understanding, then you just accept by default what it is that has happened to you and controlling your perceptions. Once you understand that you can shape that despite what has happened or in triumph with what has happened then you can really get a different view in a different way that might make things look a little bit better.


There’s often been the idea and the question out there of do we all see the same colors or do we all perceive color as just a little bit different. I mean, if I have always seen green as green and you’ve always seen green is what would maybe be my blue? How would any of us know?


We couldn’t because we all point to the tree and say, that’s green and we agree, but that’s just a perception thing and there’s no way to ever know what the other perception is and it’s just so interesting. You’ve likely heard the phrase perception is reality and it’s almost to that eye-roll level. Perception is reality but there’s truth in that I roll cliche level and that is that. What we see is what we then believe in the interpretation and the meaning that we give to it based on our perception ends up becoming what we experience internally and then of course manifesting externally as well but that is then your reality of what you’re experiencing. Even if you’re only imagining something you’re experiencing the feelings, the emotions, the circumstances within your brain that are making you believe it’s real.


We are looking to control that perception a little bit better Shi. I’m so glad that you brought up kind of the steps there that go into perception. So, we perceive something and then we bring it in. and then there’s this piece that happens where we get to make a decision and assign meaning to whatever it is in our life. That can control our emotions, can control our actions and so just like Bruce Lipton tells us, “We can control our lives by controlling our perceptions.”


All right. It’s Monday fun day, get it done day and it is time for your quest. We want you to reframe a negative situation you’re faced with right now. What could be amazing about this experience? How could you shift your perception? What could be your new perspective? Are you ready? Shift with us now?

Kay & Shi:

Let’s quest!

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