A Daily Scroll: A Mentorship Recap – September 7th 2021 – Show Notes


Hey there, Questers welcome back. Today is Tuesday, September 7th and it is the anniversary of a very special day, a day of birth in fact.


In fact, it is my Shila Morris here, twins 11th birthday today. So, 11 years ago today, they made their debut into the world, and we are so glad that they have. I can’t believe it’s been 11 years. So, for today, we have a special quote for them for you.


Now, we are coming out of one of the OG books of all time. From the Bible, from the book Ecclesiastes we’ve got a really cool quote for you guys, “Two are better than one because they have a good return for their labor. If either of them falls down, one can help the other up. But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up.”


Well, bringing it with the twin love here but it’s so much more than that. But just before we get into some of the deeper meanings of the quote, just celebrating for a moment our two amazing 11-year-olds. Kay, you’ve been part of their lives since day one, literally in the room when they came in. So, you’ve known them just as long as I have and been such a key part of life and they’re pretty special.


They are a special couple of kids, and they truly are, two are better than one in this situation. They are a dynamic duo. They are hilarious. They play off of each other and they’ve been fighting like an old married couple since they were kids.


Our mom took me to who she lovingly calls her energy mom or her spirit mom, a woman by the name of Anya when I was very first pregnant with the twins. She said before I even knew it was twins, it’s twins and it’s a boy and a girl and their spirit names are Amelia and Andrew and she’ll be the strong one, but she’ll really need him. I’ve always remembered that going into it and isn’t it funny to see how they’re reflected. Emory is very much the leader, our daughter. She loves to be in charge, be part of the decision-making, she takes initiative, wants to be independent, and do things on her own. Her brother Wesley is definitely more analytical. He also is extremely creative. He loves to tell stories and create comic books and computer coding and those kinds of things. So, as much as she bosses him around, she really does need him.


Well, in this case, two are better than one because they do have a good return for their labor. Emory makes sure that it gets done and Wesley comes in with the productivity which is very similar to another duo relationship we know of.


Well, we can certainly speak from our sister experience. While we’re not twins by our birth, we are twins in spirit and we’re certainly still sisters and we know how much it matters to have somebody there to pick you up when you fall down. We have different areas of our lives. If you have a spouse that’s one area of your life, but at work, having someone, in your workouts, having someone in your faith, having someone help to be able to pick you up is what truly helps you moving down your path.


Well, when you have another person there, when things get difficult, you can look to them for that pick me up and vice versa. If we look at this particular quote here, I mean, they say two are better than one. Okay, got it. Because they have a good return for their labor. Well, if two people can put in a higher quality of work into product chances are let’s just go from a straight business perspective. If you have a better-quality product, you can sell that product for more money. So, you have a better return on the two person’s labor having worked together because you’re creating something that one person just couldn’t have done alone.


Part of that return I think is what the second part of the quote; when someone is there to help you up, so you have a better return because when you work and you fall flat on your face, whether we’re talking about in a relationship or in a business transaction or in a dedication to a new habit structure. If there isn’t that other person there, then it takes our own dang selves to get ourselves up or maybe not be able to and have to turn around. So sometimes we get negative returns when we go it alone, which is why the end of the quote here says pity, anyone who falls and has no one to help them up because that truly can be such a struggle.


I am so grateful that I have partners and assets in areas of my life that can help to support me when I do fall down. So, if ever you have a partner in an area of your life, then look upon those who might not and give them a little, oops, sorry about that. Understanding that it’s harder for those who don’t have the other person to make it better than just the one.


Yeah. Well, Wesley and Emory, I hope I make you listen to this episode so that you can hear me say in front of everyone how much I love you, how proud I am of you, and I can’t believe you’re 11 years old and you’re in middle school and happy birthday.


So, just a quick reminder as to this quote from the book of Ecclesiastes. “Two are better than one because they have a good return for their labor. If either of them falls down, one can help the other up. But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them.”


Alright, it’s an easy quest today. Will you join me, mom Shila in wishing Wesley and Emory, a very happy 11th birthday. If you could, head over to our social media pages and comment on the post that is up. We’ll get to show it to them after school today and they will love it. So, thank you so much for helping me, and are you ready? Let’s birthday it out now.

Kay & Shi:

Let’s quest!

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