So, when we’re looking at developing and maintaining a positive mental attitude. As we shared in the last installment, it’s definitely not always easy, especially during those challenging times, but it really is simple once you dedicate to the process and understand and bring awareness to it, then it’s about putting down those habits that will allow you to rely on that programming during future challenging moments.
Now, you might be in the place right now where you’re like, okay, but I have this huge mountain of challenges ahead of me, ladies. You don’t even understand the level of anxiety that’s going on inside my mind. Trust us, we get you. We’ve been there and we know what it’s like to be in that space. It really starts with this understanding that you’re worth having a positive mental default. It’s worth your human experience and your presence and your time to be spent in a way that isn’t quite so painful.
I love that you bring up this worthiness piece Kay because I think there are a lot of people who hold themselves back or don’t allow themselves to have a positive mental attitude because they have a lot of shame around who they’ve been in the past or what they did or didn’t do in the past. So, they might feel like you don’t know who I’ve been. I don’t deserve to have a positive mental attitude. Who am I to talk encouragingly to myself? Do you know who I really am underneath? And the answer is, yes, we do. You are a beautifully created human being. You are a spiritual being having a human experience. You have mistakes in your past. You have things you wish you could change but ultimately who you are and where you are right now is all you have. And from there you can decide who you want to be in the future, but this very moment is all you have. So, who you’ve been in the past, or what shame you’re carrying around with that? Let me just big sister on you here for a minute. Quit that. You quit that. You are worth having a positive mental mindset.
And it really all comes down to cultivating that self-love. You come to this base space of I’m worthy. I am worth having a positive mental mindset. Okay, well now start proving it to yourself. Talking about cultivating self-love, this is not the bubble bath. This is not necessarily that self-care. But we’re talking about loving yourself enough to know that when your time is being spent that you have this opportunity to either have it be constructive time and time that fulfills you and time that opens you up to more possibilities in life or time that depreciates you, that hurts you. Have you ever spent some time with yourself in your internal environment and you get done and you’re like…
Ow, that did not feel good. I did not enjoy the session with myself that I just spent, and we’ll share some of our strategies a little bit later in some later installments here on how we kind of combat those moments. But really wanting you to know… The sponsor of this week is the Neuroencoding Institute and there’s a reason for that. But as Joseph McClendon III, who is the founder of that Institute says, “There are no fearless people. Nobody is fearless but there are people who fear, less.” You can understand that right. So, everybody slips into fear. Everybody slips into negative thinking. The real, real difference maker is how quickly you can shift from that state and being able to shift out of a negative mindset or catch yourself during one of those sessions with yourself where you’re not being very nice and shift into something more constructive really can make all the difference.