“Just because your soul wants to pursue something doesn’t mean it’s going to be easy. I guarantee it won’t be. Check the control panel, put on your crash helmet, and strap yourself in. You’re going on an adventure. Expect joy, tears, surprises, confusion, stumbles, and plenty of breakthroughs (and breakdowns) along the way. The figureoutable philosophy doesn’t promise a life free from pain, just one free from regret.” – Marie Forleo, Chapter 5, Everything Is Figureoutable.
This kind of real-talk inspo is what Marie Forleo is all about and it’s one of the reasons we absolutely love her and love this book. Marie says that nothing she shares in her book is groundbreaking new information or brand new original ideas. In fact, it’s all common sense, simple principles that most of us implicitly understand. But the biggest gap in the world is between what we know and what we do, and it’s our conditioning and belief systems that cause that gap and challenge the implementation and practice of these principles into our own lives.
So how do we influence these belief systems and conditioning? It starts with recognizing where you are and being truthful. Or as Marie says:
“It’s time to call yourself out and uncover all the ways you bullshit yourself. Once you get honest about how flimsy your excuses really are, you’ll reclaim not only enormous stores of energy but also your power to change.” – Everything Is Figureoutable, Chapter 4
With all this new energy and reclaimed power to change your life you ultimately come to the realization that you are the one steering your own ship and that it is you, and you alone, that determines the quality of the destination that you arrive at. Marie shares:
“What stops you is never external. Ever. It’s never about the lack of money or time or anything else. It’s about your internal game, your commitment to do whatever it takes to be creative, resourceful, and figure it out. To find or make a way ahead, no matter what.” – Everything Is Figureoutable, Chapter 4
Marie shares personal stories and embarrassing moments, major fails and huge successes and does it all with a humorous spin, a motivational tone and a uniquely practical and positive position that will leave you wanting more. From a smash success Oprah interview to buzzed twitter feuds Marie uses her own tapestry of experiences to illustrate her teachings and relates to readers with honesty and openness.
“Everything worthwhile is hard. Excruciatingly hard. Embrace that fact. Respect it. You’re about to work your ass off for this. Find a way to derive pleasure, however perverse that seems, out of doing hard, meaningful things. It builds strength and character. Plus, crushing an “impossible” dream is addictive as hell.” – Everything Is Figureoutable, Chapter 6
If that doesn’t give you a stirring of emotion and motivation then this book probably isn’t for you. But if you want to hear more of this fist-pumping straight talk about dream achieving then check out our Literally Lit(erature) podcast episode on the book and do yourself the favor and read or listen to ‘Everything is Figuroutable’ without delay!