Hey there Questers and welcome back. It’s Monday, April 12th and this is episode 331. We have a Frankie D Roosevelt quote for you today, and he says, “Happiness is not in the mere possession of money; it lies in the joy of achievement, in the thrill of creative effort.”

Our 32nd president of the United States, our president through the depression, a defining moment for our country, and a defining quote here on what happiness really is and what it means to us as human beings. I think there’s so much depth here and so much that we can unpack that can help us maybe chase that happy dragon, a little more smartly.
Well, deep indeed, but if we’re going to put this one simply, money is a tool fool.
It’s not the end, it’s the means to the end and so the mere possession of money here. We all probably have financial goals, and we have certain amounts that we strive for, that we look for that would just, oh, if I can just make a million dollars but it’s not really the million dollars that you want. The one million George Washington’s, it’s not really what we want. It’s the experiences, the feelings, the access, the exclusivity, it’s really those things that money can buy and bring to us that we’re looking for.
Well, it’s about them options. Money gives you options, but it is the tool to those options and it’s like possessing a hammer. A hammer is only a tool until you have something to actually do with that hammer. So, use the money how it’s meant to be used, but understanding that money can’t be that thing that brings you happiness because the joy of achievement it’s really fun.
Any other achievers out there? Come on.
Come on. We were just talking about that. We had a big win late last year, 2020, and it felt so good. I told Shila today, I’m kind of chasing the dragon. I want to do that again. The achievement felt so good.
If you’re wondering, and you might even be part of the John Maxwell Team, but getting to finally launch the marketing system to the organization, the John Maxwell Team, that we are a part of, that we are partnered with, that we love tremendously and that we knew would help members was just so dang fulfilling and that achievement right there was amazing. So, it’s been fun to kind of look back on certain things and realize what has made us so happy is that achievement, and then is that what he brings up here as a final point the thrill of the creative effort.
Have you all ever been in a flow?
Because flow, that state, they describe it very well in the movie “Soul.” If you have watched the new Pixar movie “Soul” it is incredible. If you have not, the gentleman who is the main character is a piano-playing fellow. He loves playing piano so much that when he plays, sometimes he gets lost in playing he’s in such great flow. If you’ve been in the midst of an activity that you’ve just loved so much that sometimes you even forget what you’re doing because you just love what you’re doing.
I feel like there should be a disclaimer with flow too. It doesn’t mean you won’t still have moments of frustration.
For flow in and flow out.
Yeah, or blockages or that sometimes even though you know you’ll get into a flow state that you might resent the obligations. I flow when I write, but I might resent leading up to a big writing project the fact that I have to do it even though I get into it and I feel that flow, but that thrill of the creative effort is so beautiful. There’s nothing else in life that can match that feeling of creating something you’re proud of and being in process of that creation and that ideation of the creation and all of the components that come along with it. Then that achievement at the end of that creative effort and that thrill of getting through that and seeing that whatever it is come to life. Come on, that’s so much better than dollar, dollar bills.
Yes, so much better than dollar, dollar bills and when you do end up getting those dollar, dollar bills, understanding that they are that tool, they are that means to the end. So, maybe right now, you’re probably saying, we’re preaching to the choir. You guys get this, but maybe you’re the type of person that the million dollars in the bank account have been the thing motivating you at a very deep level. Maybe you just take a look at that and see if you can find a deeper reason to do what Franklin D Roosevelt taught us in today’s quote.
And that quote is, “Happiness is not in the mere possession of money; it lies in the joy of achievement, in the thrill of creative effort.”
Alright, gang, we got a Money Monday Quest.
Kay & Shi:
Today we want to challenge you to attract abundance into your life, through achievement or an act of creativity. It doesn’t have to be a big one, but can you achieve a good grocery store haul that empowers you to feel accomplished and ahead of your curve, whatever it is for you today, get out there, create and achieve. Are you ready?
Kay & Shi:
Let’s quest!