The Daily Scroll: A Mentorship Recap – April 23rd, 2021 Show Notes


Hey, Questers welcome back. Happy Friday. This is April 23rd, and we have episode 340 for you today and we have a fun quote from one of our favorite Disney movies today. The quote is right out of Frozen, which if you have yet to see Frozen, it is a tale of two sisters finding some serious self-discovery and reconciliation and it hits us pretty close to home.


It sure does. It’s a story of true love but true love is not between a man and a woman. It is between two sisters. So, you got to know, we are basically wrecks watching any of the Frozen movies. But it is there full of great songs, funny jokes, rich characters, great twists and turns, excellent songs and of course, wonderful lessons. Elsa in this quote today says, “I don’t care what they’re going to say. Let the storm rage on. The cold never bothered me anyway.” It’s hard not to sing it.


It’s hard not to sing it. Yeah, at least, “The cold never bothered me anyway.” That is just such an iconic moment from the song. This is from the song, “Let it Go.” For those of you fellow parents out there I am so sorry that we are quoting “Let it Go,” on this quest. You listen to it quite a bit however, there is some really cool deep stuff inside this quote today and we’re excited to dive into it.


Well, this moment is Elsa finally living her truth.


Yes, Queen Elsa!


Her whole self. She’s going to let her power flow. She’s never even explored how powerful she is. This is that moment where she’s just finally said I have broken free from the chains. There is no going back. I will be myself no matter the storm, no matter the consequences. It is just an incredibly empowering and powerful moment. But, “I don’t care what they’re going to say.” Finally, tossing off those expectations of society that aren’t congruent with the path to fulfillment that your heart calls you towards. Not, “I don’t care because I don’t love them,” but I don’t care what they’re going to say in a sense of judgment, in a sense of keeping you back or holding you back from who you are in that power inside. This is a powerful beginning to this quote.


Oh, I got chills from head to toe as you were talking about Elsa’s empowerment journey because her transformation is just so stark. The second sentence here is so fast, but it says, “Let the storm rage on.” Now, this is so powerful because even for Elsa, a storm isn’t necessarily an uncomfortable thing. She doesn’t say, let the storm saunter on. She doesn’t say, let the storm flitter by. She says, let the storm rage on which means the emotions in her are wild. The physical storm around her it is wild and she’s saying, I am ready to face the raging storm without caring what people are going to say about it because I’m ready to step into my truth.


I love that and the fact that kind of acknowledging that you can’t fight a storm. Super-duper powerful ice queen Elsa. Okay. She is the storm. She can create sentient life with her snow figures.


She is basically a goddess.


She’s basically a God, but the fact is (for those of us who aren’t quite God’s status), you can’t control a storm. So, many of us fight the storms in our lives, or we try to control them, or we do our best to craft the circumstances around it. But dagnabbit sometimes a giant ass storm rages through your life like COVID, like September 11th, and maybe not even these massive kinds of global things. But in our own lives, you’ve got divorce, or you’ve got death, or you’ve got job differences or transitionary times in your life. These are storms and if you fight them, you end getting battered and beaten up. But if you let them rage on, you might be able to work with it and be that truth and find that truth that you were looking for.


Well, I love that she wraps out this quote by saying, “The cold never bothered me anyway.” Now she’s not discounting the fact that the storm is there. She’s just saying that the uncomfortableness of the storm doesn’t bother me. Real talk. I don’t like the cold. It bothers me. The cold bothers me anyway.


It feels good. It feels good to say it.


Got that off my chest.


The cold bothers me too.


Do you know what? Cold bothers me.


Every way.


Every way. But it does and the cold in this sense that she’s talking about (the metaphorical cold) would likely bother somebody else but she’s saying that the uncomfortableness doesn’t bother me because I’m willing to be who I am, even in the midst of the storm. So, this quote from one of the most powerful songs, I think of all time, “Let it Go.” Elsa tells us, “I don’t care what they’re going to say. Let the storm rage on. The cold never bothered me anyway.”


Alright. It’s Frozen Fri-yay Quest. Today and over this weekend, we want you to let your unique storm rage on no matter what the haters say and if you’re looking for bonus points, totally go watch either Frozen or Frozen II. Are you ready?

Kay & Shi:

Let’s quest!

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