Hello there and welcome to another Mentorship Quest with Kay and Shi! We’ve got episode 81 coming at you today. And this is a quote from Benjamin Franklin…He says, “When the well is dry, we know the worth of water.”

This is such a good quote because you can take it metaphorically (the financial well, the relationship well, the physical fitness well) and also quite literally! I mean we are 70% water so water is pretty dang important.
We’ve all been in that place where we wake up at three o’clock in the morning and we’re covered in sweat and your throat is just so dry and parched that the water can literally not come out of the fridge fast enough for you to drink it cause you’re THAT thirsty!
Right? And it takes a while for the cup to fill up and you want to drink it RIGHT then! But no, it’s not going to be enough water to quench your thirst. So you’re in that agonizing few seconds of letting the cup fill up before you can chug that water just about as fast as you can! I mean that’s the value of water, right?
Well, be it watering your body – or the metaphorical water – WATER is all around us! And, Shi and I are blessed today to be at a place where there is a lot of water. We got to go from our quarantine homes in Reno, Nevada up to our parents’ quarantine home in Brookings, Oregon.
After five weeks of all of us being home and alone, we felt safe to travel up with the kids and do a weekend with our parents, and we get to be here today and then drive home tomorrow. It’s so nice to be by the water and just be reminded of how beautiful water is, how fluid water is, how abundant water is, and how much we need it.
You know, it makes me think of the inspiration we feel when we’re by the ocean. Like every sailor out there who’s compared the ocean to a woman at one point in time or another…because it’s got that factor! And you know, we think of the metaphors around the rivers and how the rain makes you feel. And, you know, people equate rain with sadness or misfortune all the time…Or some people equate it with joy because it indicates that the rainbow is coming in!
And then water is also the most powerful force in nature. If it doesn’t quit focusing on something, it will defeat it – and yet in the most beautiful way! I think Bruce Lee said, “You want to be like water cause you can flow anywhere.” You know, you can be anything! You can change the shape, you can move rocks. I mean you could do all kinds of things!
Kay & Shi:
(*Mulan Song Break*)…”We must be swift as the coursing river…with all the strength of a great Typhoon”
…That’s the only water metaphor that’s in there…The typhoon in the water…BUT – whether you are being made a man – or you’re drinking the water – or whatever it is: Look, water is important. It helps you to maximize your physical performance. It has major effects on your energy levels and your brain function and hormone regulation. And when we’re talking about hormone regulation, we’re talking about like oxytocin and serotonin and melatonin…
(The ones you want!)…Like ALL the stuff that makes you feel good. Water can help us lose weight, it can help relieve constipation, you sleep better, it prevents hangovers…like water is SO important and it’s so easy to drink and it’s SO easy to let yourself slack on the habit of drinking enough water every day.
Now in the midst of this pandemic, I’m sure some of you are like us, probably packing on the COVID-19, if you know what I mean?
You know, going to go to college you gain the “Freshman 15” – and, when you’re in quarantine, you gain the COVID 19!
Well for me it’s only been a COVID 3, but I think a big portion of that has been, we’re a little less focused on the health habits because our habits got flipped upside their heads. And so it can feel like you’re kind of grasping at straws for like, well, what should I do, and what’s good for me? And, you’re doing the best that you can. But many of us, (Shila and I included) are letting water fall to the wayside.
Right? Cause you think you go into survival mode. And so I’m just trying to SURVIVE. Right? And so I can’t think about WATER! But water is SO easy and so basic. You literally need it to survive.
Nope, I need more caffeine.
Nope, I need another bowl of cereal.
More caffeine and cereal is DEFINITELY what we need.
What we really wanted to come and tell you today is that this quote is such a great understanding metaphorically and inspirationally, but also gives us really practical, easy things like drinking enough water – which make a HUGE difference in your happiness and the quality of your life! And so we wanted to come to you today and just remind you that you want to be like water – and you want all of your wells to be full – and we want you to actually drink the water.

So THAT is today’s quest! You know it. Get out there and go to your fridge…Fill up a glass of the good stuff and drink it down..Maybe there’s a follow up glass in order…Maybe you are going to have three glasses or think about doing more throughout the day,…but at the very BARE MINIMUM, get out there and drink a glass of water!
You know, what’s been making this quest easy for me is adding crushed ice, and letting myself splurge on that crushed ice…So if you need a glass with a little crushed ice in it, Shi gives you permission!
You know, in our household it’s been lemons. But, you know what? Be it lemons or ice – get out there and water! BOOM.