Hey, Questers, it’s Fri-yay! This is episode 330 of the Mentorship Quest and it is April 9th. We have a really fun quote for you today from a beloved Pixar animation studio film “Up.”
And the quote is from Russell who is the nine-year-old wilderness explorer in the movie and his quote is, “A wilderness explorer is a friend to all be a plant or fish or tiny mole!”

Well, wilderness explorers unite.
They do.
I would definitely personally not claim to be a wilderness explorer but might put myself in the enthusiast category.
Yeah. I would also be in that category and I’ve had my own evolution. I used to have a vendetta against any bug or spider inside of the house meant immediate death for that living being. Now, we are the family who captures that spider under a cup, shoves the paper under, and moves it outside because we’ve evolved to want to be more respectful towards life forms. So, I feel like I’m embracing the wilderness explorer credo.
Well, just yesterday we were outside. It was nice and warm here in Reno, Nevada and we went outside, and we were doing some chalk in our backyard and one of those little pincher bugs came and crawled up into our chalk business and they are pretty slow little earwig guys. We put him on a stick, and we moved him away from us where previously we might’ve been more on the squishing side of things, but as I have moved from vendetta of bugs to enthusiasts of the wilderness, it’s become clear that it is really more beneficial to be a friend to all.
It is. It feels better. You know, we really are all connected. We breathe the same air. We live on the same planet. We use the same life force energy which means that when we respect other beings, whether they’re a plant or tiny mole or fish, that we’re respecting ourselves in our environment and indicating that we wish to have that returned unto us plus it just feels better.
If you were with us earlier in the week, we talked a little bit about time being the great uniter and time is also the great uniter with you and nature. The tree might live a few 100 years more than you do but the tree and you both have time in common. You both have a physical presence on this earth until you die, and then you’re gone. So, if it’s the plant or the fish, or the tiny mole, there is this great equalizer of the presence that we all carry here on this planet and if you can find a little bit of community in that and your whole world opens up.
It really does and we love to find community and we love nature. We’re big fans of getting out and of exploring nature. But we actually will not be exploring any kind of nature this weekend because we’re going to hijack here just a tiny bit. Tomorrow is a huge freaking deal to the Kay and Shi world. We are launching the Brain Revolution Summit with Joseph McClendon III and Dr. Daniel. Amen. If you haven’t heard us talk about it or you’re not part of it, please sign up. You don’t want to miss it. You can go to brainrevolution.com and join us for the free live event that’s happening tomorrow. So, as much as we love nature, and boy do we, we got to confess that this weekend we’ll be a little bit holed up doing something really fun.
Well, we’re exploring a wilderness of a different kind.
Ooh, I like that yeah, yeah, yeah.
Yeah, getting out there to be a friend to all by helping to equip people with what they need to go out and create change in their communities or in the lives of their families or their clients. We are partnered with Joseph McClendon to bring forward a Neuroencoding certification program. It will be launching tomorrow on the Brain Revolution Summit. We’re going to be spending a few hours with Joseph McClendon III and Dr. Daniel Amen to launch their joint program, the Brain Revolution. You don’t want to miss it because whether you are an explorer or an enthusiast of the actual wilderness or the wilderness of maybe your mind and heart, by being equipped with what it takes to help others live a happier, healthier wealthier life. I mean, it doesn’t get much better than that.
It doesn’t, and that’s how we demonstrate being a friend to all. We might not be able to help the brains of plants or fish or tiny moles, but we can help the brains and minds of other humans and individuals which can, in turn, help many more plants, fishes, and tiny moles than one singular person ever could. So, of course, we hope that you will join us at the Brain Revolution Live, FREE summit tomorrow. We’re pretty excited to explore that new wilderness with as many spirited folks who will come along with us.
Now, before we wrap up today, I do want to give a quick little shout-out to a wilderness explorer, not of the nine-year-old variety, but of the 10-year-old variety. Shila’s daughter Emery. We were out in Mount Shasta a few weeks ago and she took it upon herself while we were on a creek stream adventure to go ahead and clean the trash out of the creek. She found a few plastic bottles, a beer bottle, some wrapping paper, some other things that she collected and put in the trash and just really loved the spirit that came from that little wilderness explorer. So, I had to mention her here before we wrapped up Russell’s quote from up is, “A wilderness explorer is a friend to all be a plant or fish or tiny mole!”
And we are hijacking the quest today and asking you to be a friend to us…
…as we explore the wilderness of the new neuro-encoding certification. So, your quest, a very serious quest is to please join us tomorrow at the Brain Revolution Summit. You can go to brainrevolution.com to sign up and become a part of it. Come listen, come learn, come explore, come read and if it’s the right thing for you, we’d love to see you join, but either way, you will have a great time and we can’t wait to see you there tomorrow. Are you ready?
Kay & Shi:
Let’s quest!