Hey there, and welcome back to another episode of The Mentorship Quest! We’ve got Episode 157 for you today, and it is Tuesday, August 11th! Today’s quote is from an Irish statesman, Mr. Edmund Burke!
…Who says, “If we command our wealth, we shall be rich and free. If our wealth commands us, we are poor indeed.” Now, you guys know we love a rhyming quote…So, of course this one is right up our alley! And, not only do we love it because it rhymes, but also because it’s really good advice!

He’s also Irish! So, we can’t help but feel like – if said in an Irish accent – that this would be some really cool advice from a fellow leprechaun, who’s guarding a pot of gold out there somewhere. Because, we’re talking about wealth and we’re talking about freedom here – which are two things that can make life so magical!
They can! And, so often we use money in order to free ourselves, and that’s what the point of it is. And then, hopefully we use it to free others in as many ways as we can too. But, often, that pursuit of freedom through wealth ends up consuming us. And then, no matter how much money we accumulate, we are definitely poor…
Well, that’s like having all of the trappings of success and still feeling trapped! And, I know we’ve been in that situation a couple of times actually, and had to learn this particular lesson the hard way…Shi, do you mind just sharing, really quick, the state of our family in 2013?
Well, you know, we had purchased the single restaurant in 2003, and then the second one opened in 2008, the next one in 2011, and the next one in 2012…So, that was four restaurants over the span of nine years. And, three of them were in the span of four years. And so, on the outside, everyone was like, “Your growth is phenomenal, and it’s amazing what you’ve been doing, especially in this economy!” And so, everyone looked at us and saw the restaurant, saw the openings, saw the locations, saw the company cars, and saw all of our trappings of success, but we were definitely trapped behind all of that, because the accelerated growth actually hadn’t built a very strong foundation for us and it almost all came crashing down…
So, Mom and Dad actually moved from their home into Shila and Chad’s living room! And, that was really the state of our families’ existence at that time. In fact, during that time, Danny and I did a transitionary two nights on our way to move to San Diego, California. So, there was one night where everyone was under one roof, and that was just the way that it had to be! And, that’s really what today’s quote is about. Sometimes you can sacrifice your time and your money and end up with neither. And, sometimes you can sacrifice your time and end up with money, and sometimes you can sacrifice money and end up with all the time, but the experience that you’re having isn’t great…So, the key is to find a healthy harmony between those things. And, being in harmony means that you’re the one playing the instrument, which means, ultimately – when it comes to your wealth – you should be in total control…
AKA: “command” – as Edmund Burke tells us here. And, I like this word “command” in thinking about this concept of control. Because, I think we can all relate to the fact that finances can feel unwieldy, right? Like, money is kind of scary! It’s intimidating, because your life depends on it. So, you’ve got to take care of it, and look at it, but taking “command” means that you actually understand it, that you have clarity about it, that you have a goal and a path with it, and that you’re really taking responsibility for how that’s going to move forward – without letting it consume you! And, of course, that’s where the harmony piece comes in here…
Well, I think that, when we talk about “command” – there’s this aspect of leadership as well. And, when you’re in a leadership position, you can’t really lead people that you never see, or never talk to, or never communicate with, or never have any form of interaction with (at least at some level). And so, maybe you’re playing a game of hide and seek with your finances, and it might be time to open up the books and take a look!
Ohhh, I like that “playing a game of hide and seek” bit! You know, this “command” is really about that awareness and clarity, and being able to understand what the direction you want to go in really looks like. Because, if you never see your troops, you don’t know what your army looks like. And, if you never look at your bank statements or your credit card statements, you don’t know what you’re working with, and you’re left in a state where your wealth starts to command you – and that’s not a state of mind we like to be left in. Which is why we love this quote from Edmund Burke…And, to remind you of it, he says, “If we command our wealth, we shall be rich and free. If our wealth commands us, we are poor indeed.”
Well, we have a richness quest for you today! Your quest today is to make a different decision with your money, than you wouldn’t normally make, on a daily level. So, if you normally buy a latte, maybe make your coffee at home today! If you normally work an extra hour each night – instead of spending that time intentionally with your family – set the intention to flip that narrative, just for one day! Whatever that bad money habit is today, take the time to break the chain and engage with your life! Are you ready?
Kay & Shi:
Let’s quest!