Hey there, Questers, and welcome back! It is Monday, August 17th and this is Episode 161 of the Mentorship Quest. Today’s quote is from the one and only J.Lo, also known as “Jenny from the block.”
She says, “Always remember you will live, you will love, you will dance again.”

I want to live, and love, and dance again! Obviously, J.Lo says it way better than that…
Kay & Shi:
And, obviously she dances way better than us too, but that doesn’t matter because we love dancing and we love J.Lo, and this quote is so much more than just a gorgeous woman talking about dancing. It is really more than just that physical expression, because it’s really about moving your life along! It’s actually kind of a rally cry, and it’s one of those things that you can hold onto during the darkest of times, and in that moment where you’re crying or upset or whatever, this is the thing that you can say to yourself…It’s the concept that can get you through!
It’s actually four separate sentences and they are super powerful sentences all together. And, we’re not huge fans of the word “always.” Because, the word always is very general, but here it serves a real purpose and it reminds you that knowledge is really inside of you, and that whatever it is that you have, whatever it is that’s boiling inside of you, is answerable and discoverable with a little bit of that inner knowledge. So, always remember because the answers are within you! Because, even if you think they’re not, we promise they are!
That’s the rally part! Always remember it’s always inside of you. And, then she says, “You will live.” And, if you’re thinking, then you’re living…If you’re hearing this, then you’re living. If you are breathing, then you are living. You have life, you have breath, and you have time! And so, “you will live” is kind of that first rally, and then, you are alive – and that’s the opposite of what the rest of your eternity is…which means it’s pretty special!
Right? And then, she goes on to say that, “You will love.” And this is SO true! You are a being that is made to love and maybe you’re kind of a grumpy human, and you’re like, “I don’t love. I’m not a loving person. I’m just a grumpy grump.” Well, that’s okay because being grumpy just means that you have the capacity for the opposite (AKA: love) within you as well. And, whenever there is something that exists, there is also its opposite. If you’re grumpy, then loving is also somewhere inside. We are literally beings that are built to love. We are given hearts that have emotions. We’re one of eight beings on the planet that actually show signs of emotion, so…it’s a really big deal! You will love, even if it hurts, (even if you’re Grump Grump Mcdoodle), it will come around again for you!
First you rally, then you remind, and then, “you will love” is giving you the hope. Because, that love is what we all crave. It’s what we live for. It’s that juice of life! And, this can help pull us out, remembering that we will love again no matter how hard a heartache is, or how bad something hurts, that love still exists in the world, and is still out there, and that you WILL love again! And then, our final sentence here is, “You will dance.” Now, whatever dance is for you, (it might not actually be dancing), that thing that just makes you feel alive and energized and on fire and excited. The thing that you love to do, that you have fun doing, that you connect with, that you release, that you seek out…Whatever your quote unquote “dance” is – you’ll do it again…It’s there! This is that encouragement. We’ve come from that dark place, to that hopeful place, and to that place of the future, with just these few words and these four tiny sentences!
I always think of the expression of “dance” as a physical, celebratory expression. What does the football player do when he scores a touchdown?…Does a little dance in the end zone!
Yeah, end zone dance!
What do we do when a couple comes under union? We have a wedding, and we dance at the party. When a senior graduates from high school, there’s a dance afterwards. Dancing is such a celebratory thing, and so it almost feels like she’s saying that you’re going to celebrate again! Some days it feels really dark and you cry…It’s 2020, we’re restaurant owners – we’ve had some really freaking dark days, and we’ve also had these where we’ve danced. And, I’m sure you have all felt that as well. So, just a reminder on this quote from J.Lo, she says, “Always remember, you will live, you will love and you will dance again.”
All right…That brings us to our quest! And, of course, it is a dancing quest! Come on, take a handful of minutes, put on your favorite song – (or maybe some J.Lo) – and just dance it out! Harness the energy of the song…Let yourself give that physical expression of celebration and dance so that you can remind yourself how alive you truly are!…I think that I will dance to a little Brittany Spears’ “Toxic”…How about you, Kay?
Ooh, I think I might actually come in with another J.Lo song…That was a good inspiration! And, listening to the song where this quote came from, I was like, “Hmm, maybe that’s my dance song!”
There it is! All right…Are you ready?
Kay & Shi:
Let’s quest!