Hey there, Questers, and welcome to a special episode of The Mentorship Quest. Today is Monday, August 24th, and it is also Kobe Bryant Remembrance Day.
Now, today is Kobe Bryant Remembrance Day because 8/24 represents the two numbers that Kobe wore during his 20 seasons in Los Angeles on the Lakers team. Which, of course, was near and dear to our hearts, having parents from Southern California and lots of fond memories of cheering on Kobe, and the Lakers, with our dad.
So, today is a quote that Kobe said about his Mamba Mentality, and that is this, “To be on a constant quest to try to be the best version of yourself, that’s what the mentality is. It’s not a finite thing. It is a constant quest to try to be better today than you were yesterday and better tomorrow than you were the day before.”

Such a deep and resonating quote, and part of the beauty of Kobe’s legacy. Thinking back to Kobe’s death earlier this year, it almost seems ominous and foreboding to think how much more sadness was still to come, and that the NBA wouldn’t even play this year, I think, for the first time in history. And so, to have that on the heels of this great loss here on the earthly plane is certainly something to take note of. But, as is with the Mamba Mentality, it’s the old progress drum that he’s beating here, but it’s said in such an eloquent and beautiful way. It really encapsulates who Kobe was and how he wanted to leave his legacy on the world.
Well, I love that he’s saying this – as someone who made the millions, and got the championship rings, and did all of the things – that are under traditional success, he’s saying that there’s a mentality that comes underneath that, and that it’s not about the ring…It’s not about the things that he achieved or gathered while he was here…It’s about the way that he lived and how it inspired other people. And, if there’s any legacy that he left, I think that this is probably it, and he’s probably very proud of that.
I bet. I bet he’s proud that this is part of his legacy and that it isn’t about the ring or the things or that achievement, that goal at the end. But, instead, it’s about that journey, and about that progression towards the best version of you, and having that focus that says, “I’m going to hone something, and I’m going to be excellent at the craft, and I’m going to bring a level of integrity to what it is that I want to leave, create, do, make – whatever it is – I’ll be proud of it, and others around me can be proud of it too.”
He also gives us a really great measure for success and happiness that is pretty darn achievable. Like, “Did I do better today than I did yesterday?” And, if you can answer that question authentically with a ‘yes’, then you’re on the right track. Now, things can get discouraging, we know, but you’re on the track if you’re just getting even a little bit better day by day!
It’s that universal, energetic Kobe pat on the back, if you can answer yes to that question every day, “Did I do better than I did yesterday?” Because, it is about that incremental change, that daily journey, and that striving. And, it can be a struggle…You go into survival mode and you know you’re in trouble when you start to think, “Just get through the day.”
Yeah, seriously. And, when you sometimes have that “just get through the day” for too long, it can start to wear on your spirit. Making sure that you are going toward a Mamba Mentality for something that you love can help to make that constant quest a little bit easier!
I also like that he says here, “It’s not a finite thing.” Because, so often we say, “Well, I just need to know. Check yes or no. Do I have success? Did I get the grade? Did I hit the goal? Who won the game?” Right? And, Kobe’s talking about incredible success by all of those measures, and he’s saying, “Look, the real quest, the real game, is that one to be better than you were yesterday.”
It’s not about the checking of the box. It’s not about saying, “I achieved these five things and therefore I know.” It’s about getting better. This is a reminder for all of you, and it’s a reminder for us too. Sometimes, it can feel overwhelming when you’re in the midst of all of the onslaught that is just “life”, but that journey piece is really where you can make the difference. By living that out every day, eventually you can leave a legacy very similar to Kobe’s. So, just a reminder, this quote that Kobe said is, “To be on a constant quest to try to be the best version of yourself, that’s what the Mamba Mentality is. It’s not a finite thing. It’s a constant quest to try to be better today than you were yesterday and better tomorrow than you were the day before.”
All right! That means it’s quest time and, of course, it’s a Mamba quest. Unleash your inner Mamba today! Add one extra minute, lap, rep, to your workout – even if that means you’re Mamba parking at the back of the parking lot and walking those extra steps into the grocery store! Do one extra thing today for that Mamba Mentality, and be better today than you were yesterday! Are you ready?
Kay & Shi:
Let’s quest!