The Daily Scroll: A Mentorship Recap – August 2nd, 2021 Show Notes


Well, hello there Questers, and welcome back. What’s the 4-1-1 here on our 411th episode? Today is August the 2nd and we’re so glad to be back with another BA quote for you today from a maven mama, one of our very favorite female personal growth and development leaders, Marie Forleo.


Marie tells us, “The most powerful words in the universe are the words you say to yourself.” If you couldn’t tell from Kay’s introduction there, we absolutely adore Marie Forleo. She is a trusted voice in our circle of mentorship. We don’t know her personally, but we trust her tremendously and have followed and been students of her for a long time.


Although if you know Marie and would love to make a personal introduction for us…


We would love that.


We would definitely welcome that. Absolutely love this leader and love this quote that she has here because it can be easy to try, and I think put the idea and the value of being kind and being nice into the perspective of being nice or kind to someone else. But oftentimes we forget that the golden rule also applies to ourselves.


It’s kind of that idea that you can’t give what you don’t truly have. So, if we want to be loving and influential, and positive in other people’s lives then it’s important for us to do that to ourselves as well. That’s what makes us authentic. It’s interesting from a psychotherapy point of view, they say that behavior equals personality, and when we think about that, what are the behaviors that you are enforcing on yourself and what personality is expressing because of that?


What an interesting thing to put to task because you might say, “Well, I want to be judged off of my intention, or I want to be judged off of the way I feel inside.”


Don’t we all.


Don’t we all, but truthfully your character really comes down to habits. Your personality comes down to what you do every single day and part of what you do every single day is talk both to others and to yourself. In fact, you talk to yourself more than you talk to anyone else. It’s that constant dialogue that never shuts up in your head, that keeps going on and on and on, but turns out that dialogue is more important than any other dialogue that exists in your life.


The amazing gift that you have as a human being is the ability to decide what to focus on, where to point your attention, because where you point your attention is where you will put your focus and where you put your focus is where you put your time and where you put your time is where you put your effort. Where you put your time and your effort, and your focus is where you get results. If your time and your effort and your focus are on, “I’m not good enough, or I’m too lazy, or I just can’t do it, or it’s too much for me,” then your time and focus and energy will result in you not being enough and you not getting the result that you’re looking for, which then creates a loop that can be tough to train out of and to break out of. Which is why Maria is telling us here to build that habit of using words to ourselves in a way that positively impact us and point that focus on the direction we want to go.


Look, if you are a listener here on the Mentorship Quest, then last week, you know we talked a little bit about the principle behind: you are what you eat. The things that you ingest physically then become the matter, the energy your body uses in order to grow, to express itself, to shed its skin, to grow new skin, to refresh itself. It’s a very similar thing when it comes to your thoughts. If you are digesting poisonous thoughts that you are feeding to yourself day in and day out, you’re probably going to have a pretty miserable existence. Now, if you’re saying kind things to yourself, if you’re saying encouraging things to yourself, if you’ve mastered that inner dialogue so that it is positive and constructive for you, your life is going to be positive and constructive as well. If you are what you eat, you become what you think.


I love that. Thoughts are the food of your mind which is the most powerful tool available to your disposal other than the tool of your spiritual connection to the greater powers and energies out there. But when we’re talking about the mental faculties, your brain, and your mind is so incredibly influential and powerful which means we want to do everything we can to feed it right, so it runs right, right. What happens to a body that gets filled with junk food is: it’s unhealthy. Well, what happens to a mind that gets filled with junk negative thoughts it’s unhealthy, and that’s not a great experience for anyone, no matter how great your outer world looks. If your inner world is like that you aren’t enjoying your experience.


Well, it’s that description that really underlines what Marie Forleo tells us in this quote, “The most powerful words in the universe are the ones you say to yourself.”


Alright, it’s time for your quest. Monday Motivation with Marie, we’re going to alliteration as well. Today we want you to speak your truth into existence by doing an incantation or practicing professing your identity statement to yourself aloud. So, figure out what it is that you want to say about yourself and say it out loud. You can do it. Are you ready? Say it along with us now..

Kay & Shi:

Let’s quest!

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