Hey there Questers, and happy hump day! This is December 16th, episode 248 and we are so excited to be back for another dose of mentorship with you today.
Today’s quote comes from Marvin Phillips, who was an American professional basketball player, and so much more. He says, “The difference between try and triumph is a little ‘umph’.”

Now, this quote is a little cliche…
Fricking adorable.
… but super adorable.
That’s so cute.
We love it. I kept on asking Shila as we were prepping for this episode, this has got to be from a Disney movie or something but sure enough, Mr. Marvin Phillips who ended up actually being a big-time champion basketball player within the Canadian basketball league. Which was kind of cool seeing as I don’t think that much goes on in the NBL, if you will, up in Canada. So it’s cool that he made himself a star in that particular area and apparently he’s a star for a reason.
Right. Well, in this quote, he reflects a work ethic which we know most successful athletes say that’s been a part of the key to their success. The difference between try and triumph is a little umph. The little umph is actually HUGE, but in this turn of phrase here, it’s talking about that final push, that extra flex, that rep, that thing that you do, that you’re tired. That part that just pushes you a little bit farther because that effort over time compounds into some pretty incredible results.
You know, many of you, who are diehard followers of the Mentorship Quest, have let us know that one of the things you love most about these teachings is the energy that Shila and I bring to the table. We’re so grateful you guys are here with us as listeners, but the energy is intentional. I mean, if we came at you guys every day and said (*Kay mimics a monotone voice*), “Hello, everyone, and welcome to the mentorship class and this is Kay and Shila.” It would have a completely different tone and feel to everything than we do. So, there’s Roddy Galbraith from the Maxwell Method of Speaking. He is a faculty member over on the Maxwell side of things, and he always says, “Good speaking doesn’t take much more but it does take more.”
That took real restraint for her not to say it in the English accent. So, go ahead and give it to us again.
(*In Kay’s best, English accent*) “It doesn’t take much more, but it does take more.”
That is a solid accent and a solid Roddy impression of solid advice. Because, when we think about it, that’s the 99 yard line, that’s that place where desperation is at its worst or best or highest. I’m not sure how you would measure that. What I am sure about is that it is also a place where it can be the easiest to despair, but you are almost there and that umph can get you over that goal line and get you a little bit further. I love the phrase, “The Dream is Free: The Hustle is Sold Separately,” which is the name of a book by G.K. Koufalis. I think that’s how you pronounce his last name, but the saying is so dang cute. “The dream is free, the hustle is sold separately.” We could dream and dream and dream all day long. You could “try” all day long, but, getting to triumph, getting to achieve the dream, it takes that hassle. It takes that umph, and it takes that little bit of extra work.
Well, even the word try is so tricky. We hear this used a lot in one of, I would think, the world’s most easy places to give yourself permission to not do what you say you’re going to do or take action towards your dream, which is an excuse. This is really where the word try will show up in excuses. Like, “I tried” or, oh, “Here’s one, I’ve tried…”
Kay and Shi:
…everything and nothing works.
Two absolutes in one excuse. That is a classic example of some of that closed mindset that we know none of you listeners have. But here in this quote, the end, this idea of trying it’s like that built-in back door. It’s that way that you can let yourself out of things. I was thinking this morning as I was getting up: So, my alarm goes off right before 4:00 AM. I try to be on the treadmill by 4:30. The truth of it is I had been struggling the last few weeks. I resent it. I don’t feel like doing it. I hate it and I keep thinking, people say it’s just so amazing. It’s just so great that you make the time and it’s easy for you. It’s not. It takes the ‘umph’ every single day even when the discipline is built up.
Yes. Well, that little bit of umph has created a serious discipline and an incredible body.
Thank you. Thank you.
You are very fit, and it is admirable. But knowing that it’s the umph that makes the difference can really help you maybe understanding this quote a little further. So, just a reminder, Marvin Phillips says, “The difference between try and triumph is a little…”
Kay and Shi:
Alright. That brings you to your #WorkoutWednesday Quest! Your quest is to add a little ‘umph’ into your day today by doing some sort of physical activity of your choice. Anything you want – whether it be a walk, a swim, or a yoga session, (we would suggest a KINRGY workout!) add a little ‘umph’ into your hump day! They are awesome and they have a free one posted every day. But if it makes you huff and puff and umph for at least five minutes, then you’ve achieved this quest. So, are you ready?
Kay and Shi:
Let’s quest!