The Daily Scroll: A Mentorship Recap – December 31st, 2020 Show Notes


Hey there Questers. Before we get into today’s podcast, let’s just, you know what.


We made it!


We made it! We did it, everybody, we made it! It is the final day of one hell of a year.


This has been a wild, freaking ride. Nod your head with us if you agree.


Yeah. This has been a show.


It has been a show. It’s been a lot of different kinds of shows and we’ve all showed up. If you’re showing up to this podcast what we know about you is that you’re the kind of person that showed up to a year like this and made the best of it however you could. For that, we applaud you and we’re proud of you and we join you in saying welcome to a new year.


So, we are so stoked. This is the final podcast of the Mentorship Quest here in 2020 and we could not be more thrilled to be saying goodbye to this year and couldn’t be more thrilled for what’s to come in the future. So, today’s quote, we love, love, love, because I think it’s going to be a good one for you guys to maybe lean into here. This is from Alan Cohen. He is a very popular, inspirational writer. He contributed with the Chicken Soup for the Soul series, has written some books including a course in Miracles Made Easy. Alan says, “Do not wait until the conditions are perfect to begin. Beginning makes the conditions perfect.”


Well, this is the perfect quote to bring forward in a year like this because, certainly, the conditions didn’t look like what most of us, probably any of us really anticipated or pictured.


Or wanted.


Or wanted. So, we would say that the conditions are far from perfect going into a year like 2021, but you’ve got to work with what you got. That’s what Alan is telling us is just start doing the work, take the action beginning, moving forward, having activity towards your goal or desire makes the conditions that you’re starting in “perfect” because you’re starting.


Well, if you’re waiting for starting conditions without actually starting then you’re waiting on an oxymoron. You are waiting for something that doesn’t exist. So, if you’re waiting on perfect conditions for the beginning but you haven’t actually gotten to the beginning part, you’re waiting on nothing. So, don’t waste your time. When you actually began, that’s when it makes those conditions perfect because that means that the beginning has actually started. When you actually start on something is when it is reality, and it is happening which means it exists. So, don’t wait around for something that’s not real.


Which is the perfect message for New Year’s Eve, because tomorrow is New Year’s Day, and most people are setting some kind of new year’s resolution. Most of us are setting a resolution that is an action we are resentful of. I’m going to raise my hand and say, there are certain things that you know what the resolution should be, but I don’t want more water or to make sure I go to bed an hour earlier or to quit drinking or whatever that thing is for you. But this is the time where you can put a stake in the ground. You’re starting a new year; you can start a new habit. Whatever the conditions are, it’s time to plant that flag and to say that I’m going to begin towards making my life better and towards what it is that I want to achieve.


Right. Maybe you’re one of the people who, in reflecting on 2020, you’re looking back on the year-end saying, “Well, that was one of the worst years of my life.” Many people are experiencing this and looking back and saying, “Well, that was terrible,” which means that the conditions now are worse than they’ve ever been which means that how could I possibly begin -the conditions are so bad! But remember the only way that the conditions are perfect is if you actually begin in the first place. Then what you’re able to do is when you actually begin, you start to get to know the lay of the land and what the conditions actually are, and then you can start playing either with the conditions or try changing the conditions or working for different conditions in your life. But if you don’t begin, you have no way of even understanding what the conditions are around you and how you can manipulate them. So, don’t let the idea of the goal stop with the idea. Put it into action and start something hopefully tomorrow.


Alright. So, to remind you of what Alan says, Alan Cohen tells us, “Do not wait until the conditions are perfect to begin. Beginning makes the conditions perfect.”


Well, Happy New Year, everyone! Before we give the quest just super Happy New Year to all of you. Thank you for hanging on with us in such a tumultuous year and we’ve got a fun quest for you as a New Beginnings Quest! We want to ask: Who is it that you want to be in 2021? Today, start aligning your actions with those of that person that you wish to become. Don’t wait until midnight. Start now! Start today with a quick quest for your best. Are you ready?

Kay & Shi:

Let’s quest!

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