Hey, there Questers – welcome back. Happy Thursday! It’s December 3rd and this is episode 239. We have a quote from a classic Disney movie today – the one and only Bambi. The quote is, “Love is a song that never ends.”

Seven little words that mean so much! Bambi was made in 1942 which is just kind of mind-blowing when you watch it now in real life and realize that every single frame was hand-drawn. But it was produced by Walt Disney, one of the very first animated films. It’s based on the 1923 book, Bambi, by an Austrian author and hunter named Felix Salten. But these seven little words have a lot of impact. But before we get into them, I just want to make another couple of comments on Bambi. I feel like Bambi is remembered as so sad, obviously… We all remember momma dying…
So sad. It’s like your first time crying as a kid at a movie.
At a movie, you are like, oh my gosh. And they feel like now…
Oh, it’s SO hard. I feel like now Disney and Pixar do a really good job of orchestrating the emotional journey that you’re going to go on with them. But like when you watch Bambi, it is raw.
It’s shocking.
It’s like a reflection of humanity.
You’re not expecting when Bambi’s mom passes. You’re not expecting her to run. The whole thing just happens very quickly and it’s definitely a showcase, but it was one of the like 10 VHSs we had growing up. So Shila and I are very familiar with this movie.
We had it in like the plastic VHS. I can hear the rrr, rrr sound.
It was literally splintering by the time I got into high school because we had watched it so many times, but Bambi is such a good movie in general. It’s one of the times in Disney that we actually see the passing of a parent. We watched the grief happen. And save from really Frozen II when we think that Queen Elsa has died and we watched Anna grieve, this is really kind of the only time that I can remember us seeing true grieving where that loss doesn’t come back to life…But true grieving happened inside a Disney movie in Bambi for sure.
Yeah. Usually, the parent is either already dead or just completely out of the picture. So, you kind of saw it in action there in Bambi, and of course, it’s cute little forest creatures – which makes it even harder. Even now someone will say, “Oh, you don’t want to shoot Bambi ha, ha.” Bambi’s mother has become this quintessential saying, but this lesson comes back to the quote that we have on feature for you today, with these seven little words. It’s such a wonderful reminder of the emotion that almost feels cheap to call “love” because it’s so much more than that. But the point of the emotion of love is the fact that it’s like a song. It’s like a song in that you don’t want it to end. The point of a song isn’t to get to the end. If you love a song, the last thing you want is for it to end. In fact, you’d be like, “yo DJ put that song on repeat!”
Or more like, “Alexa, go back.”
If you’re listening to us right now, your Alexa probably turned blue. So sorry about that. Oh, my goodness.
Well, having love being the song that never ends, I think really speaks well to the currency that we leave on this Earth when we leave. When you are no longer inhabiting a physical body, there are still all kinds of memories that come along with you and that live on through the loved ones around you, through the impact that you made in the world. Every ounce of love that you give while you’re alive on this planet stays here. Now that’s kind of the cool thing about love. It either hangs out in memories, or it hangs out in projects, or hangs out in gratitude, or you see the fruits of people’s love all over the place. You see the love of the architects in the buildings downtown. You see the love of the interior designers. You eat the love of the cooks. I mean, we create with our hands, and creation often is an expression of love, unless it’s done with malintent, which isn’t very often and – in fact – malintent is so crazy. people stop and look at it when it happens. So, that love being the song that never ends means that you can tap into it at any time. That radio frequency is always available to you.
Well, that brings us to your quest today. Remember your seven words were, “Love is a song that never ends,” and your quest is a Bambi quest! We want you to listen to your favorite love song today and remind yourself of that feeling that never really has to end. Are you ready?
Kay & Shi:
Let’s quest!