Hey-yo Questers welcome back. As a reminder, this is Black History Month, which means all month long, we’re going to be bringing you quotes by black leaders. Today, we have a quote from Martin Luther King Jr’s wife, Coretta Scott King, and she says, “Hate is too great a burden to bear. It enters the hater more than it injures the hated.”

A sentiment expressed probably thousands of different ways across history but this one is so meaningful because of who said it and because the message is so vital to unlocking our happiness. Bearing the burden of hate, you can see it – as people hate more the burden and the weight that they carry is obvious and clear. Even when there are such obvious examples, we still fall victim to, I know I do, of bearing maybe it’s not “hate,” but it’s a grudge. Maybe you’re calling it something different. Maybe you’re calling it resentment. But whatever that is, it really does injure the hater more than the hated and it’s a good thing to bring yourself back to when in those moments of just feeling the hate.
Well, it’s the old adage that says, “Holding a grudge is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die.” When you have that hatred in your own heart, it does so much damage and it might even be things that you’re not really even aware of. Now, many people in this day and age are too woke to hate. We get it, you’re a loving person. You love everybody, but maybe you have hate showing up in a less aggressive form like a deep annoyance or extreme fear over a potential outcome. As we were getting ready for this episode I told Shila, there’s a woman on TikTok going totally viral right now because she says she’s addicted to hating Donald Trump. So many people resonated with that to the point that it made her viral on social media because so many people are in that but likely aren’t aware of how that hatred is poisoning themselves.
Tony Robbins talks about the idea that, “how long does it take to build a building and gain significance from that versus blow it up in less than an hour and gain significance from that?” Both of them are very significant, but one gives you that “payoff” a lot faster. Now the reasons and the meaning behind that are going to be different but if we’re seeking some kind of form of significance then the means and the method of hate, sure look a lot faster and that’s where we can see societies really go off the rails. Individuals really lose their passion for fulfillment and for values and morality and turn to that all-consuming, never-ending bottomless pit that can be hatred.
Yup and hatred come in many shades and many forms like we stated before. Now, maybe you have a coworker that you’ve got some issues with and you’ve just held this grudge against this coworker for years, and you’ve never done anything about it, and you have this issue with this coworker, and you have this energy around this coworker every time you deal with them, or every time you think about them. Now, you might not call that energy hatred because you work in the same office with this person, but you have issues. You may never have taken the action to go forward and have the conversation with them to ask a leader for assistance, to work in that way to work together because sometimes it feels better to just hold the grudge.
Kay and I are talking from personal experience on that one.
I know, I’m pulling from some personal experience here…
But you know what, it’s been part of our growth path and it’s been a good thing to confront and to bear and to notice and to see, and to observe and to learn from and to grow from. You can read how to swim, how to play basketball. You can even read how to run a business, but until you’re actually doing any of those things, you’re going to learn a lot faster. So, likely as a human being, you fall into that trap at some point or another in your life of feeling hate or annoyance or resentment or frustration at inanimate objects. Are you that person? I just hate when that cupboard won’t close all the way! That happens to us too. But the cupboard doesn’t have a consciousness so that’s not going to do anything. All you’re doing is riling up your own self and giving yourself a bad chemical cocktail. That’s not good for your health long-term.
So, as Coretta Scott King reminds us, “Hate is too great a burden to bear. It injures the hater more than it injures the hated.”
Alright, that brings us to your #ThoughtfulThursday Quest. Today we want you to really dig deep and think about one person, situation, or event you may be holding hatred for and towards. Today is the day to do something about it. Have a conversation with the person or yourself. Reimagine the hateful scenario in a way that gives you a different emotional feel, or you can choose the classic method of writing it down on a piece of paper and burning it. Confronting hate is the antidote to the poison you fed yourself over this person, situation, or event. Alright, are you ready?
Kay & Shi:
Let’s quest!