Hey, hey there Questers and welcome back. This is Thursday, February 25th, and this is episode 299.
We have such a cool quote for you today from not only our mentor but our business partner, Mr. Joseph McClendon III.
He tells us, “Fortune favors the bold, so boldly step up and dare to make your life magnificent.”

Well, before we dive into this quote, we just got to like fangirl really quick over the level of magnificence that is Joseph McClendon III.
If you’ve never had the privilege of being introduced to Joseph, he is a neuropsychologist and ultimate peak performance specialist. He has coached celebrities and Olympic athletes and even royalty, and he for the last 30 years has been Tony Robbins, right-hand man when it comes to training and speaking at all of Tony’s major events. So, needless to say, we love Joseph.
But without going too far into our love of this wonderful teacher, we do want to just touch on this quote because it’s one of, I actually think Joseph’s tagline.
He often says, “Boldly step up. Fortune favors the bold,” and this first sentence here, that first portion, “fortune favors the bold.” I mean, it’s a pretty well-known saying.
It is. It’s one of those kinds of isms that many of us hear and begin to just let it fade into the background of life advice and motivational quotes. Fortune favors the bold. Okay, I get it but what does that really mean? Well, it means something different for all of us, because we’re all going to define fortune differently. Whatever it means for you, it will favor those who take bold actions, who think bold thoughts, who go above and beyond from the mediocrity that is the average life and stepping up into that, whatever fortune it may be, what that is for you.
I love that in the second half that he adds to this quote. We’ve heard “Fortune favors the bold.” That goes in one ear and out the other, but when he adds the second set, “So boldly step up and dare to make your life magnificent.” There’s a really key operative word here in dare because being bold is pretty daring.
It is. Yeah. Being bold means unlike others being noticed for being unlike others, having the limelight on you sometimes not in a positive way because you’re different and that can be scary and that can take a boldness. But it is that boldness, that outside of the norm that brings that fortune and that makes your life, as Joseph likes to say, magnificent.
I think this is really about challenging that status quo. The definition of status quo is: the existing state of affairs, especially regarding social or political issues. You can see the people in life who have boldly stepped up and dared to challenge that status quo and sometimes fortune favors them. Most of the time it does, and sometimes it doesn’t, but it’s interesting to see the way that they get supported when they go forth and challenge that existing state of affairs, especially around those social or political issues and it does take courage to do so which is why it is a dare.
Well, and if we’re defining fortune may be in our family unit as more physical health, that’s going to change stepping up and doing things differently. If we want our family’s health to be magnificent then we’re going to have to boldly go against that status quo, challenge that existing state of habitual affairs that we do in our family and make a change in order to receive that fortune. It can be scary and difficult which is what I love about that operative word there, that dare word. When I think of daring, it’s almost defiant. I’m going to dare it. I’m going to believe against odds. I’m going to go against the grain. I’m going to dare to do it and do something that’s unusual and different. But what you risk in that dare is what’s the bookends of this quote here, which is fortune and magnificence.
Now, just as a reminder, the quote here from the one and only Joseph McClendon III is, “Fortune favors the bold. So boldly step up and dare to make your life magnificent.”
All right. That brings us to your quest today and this is a favorite of Joseph’s – it is a Mirror Quest! So, this one is an honor of our partner, Joseph McClendon III, and he is going to tell us to go to the nearest mirror and repeat after us, “Shila (or your name), I love you.” So, you’re going to look in the mirror. You’re going to say your name, you’re going to tell yourself that you love yourself and then -this is the most important part- you’re going to smile. This will help you cultivate self-love one little act at a time. Are you ready?
Kay & Shi:
Let’s quest!