Hey there, gang. Welcome back. Happy Fri-yay. It is February 5th and today we have a Tina Turner quote for you. Yes, the queen of rock and roll herself has this wonderful piece of advice. She says, “Whatever is bringing you down, get rid of it. Because you’ll find that when you’re free, your true self comes out.”

Gosh, such a fun quote from such a fun woman. Tina Turner, a total icon, and we both love her and all of her music and what she’s done for the rock and roll industry. Bringing in female and black voices into that genre has been so fun to watch through the years. This quote and this advice here from Tina is powerful, it is strong, it is confident, and it is damn true.
Well, let’s take this one sentence at a time. The first sentence that is here she says, “Whatever is bringing you down, get rid of it.” Now what I love about the sentence is that it implies choice.
Ooh, yeah, it really does. It’s not, you know if doubt is bringing you down, get rid of it. It’s not fear, it’s not if guilt, it’s whatever.
It’s not if your mom saying that weird comment to you is bringing you down.
It’s whatever it is bringing you down, get rid of it. You do have a choice. You can put it down. Look, we get it. It is hard not to obsess on things and sometimes your mind is just attacking, attacking, attacking. My own personal strategy of late has been if I catch myself in one of these completely engrossed moments of just thinking of something, that’s bringing me down, the way I get rid of it as I go like this, [whoosh], I blow [whoosh] because it helps me just remember, oh, that’s a thought that my mind is having, that’s not who I am. If I blow like that and it allows me to blow the thought a little bit farther away so that my seat of awareness can get a little bit more perspective and it’s easier to put it down and get rid of it like Tina Turner tells us here.
I love that. So, the blowing of the thoughts, and we actually haven’t discussed this. We didn’t even write notes for this particular podcast. This is coming out right here, fresh, live, you’re hearing it first. My tactic recently has been looking myself in the eyes because if I’m thinking something that’s looping negative to me in my head when I look myself in the eyes in the mirror, I think to myself, would I say this out loud to someone I love? Usually, with the vitriol that’s happening inside my head, the answer is no…I would not look to Shila in the eyes and say, honestly, the horrible thing that I’m saying about me, myself in my head. So, looking myself in the mirror and looking in my eyes reminds me, I’m a beautiful human that’s worth loving. So, that’s that first sentence. The second sentence she says, “Because you’ll find that when you’re free, your true self comes out.” Now, what I think is so incredibly astute about the second sentence is that when you’re free of those thoughts that are bringing you down, your authenticity shines through. You give yourself permission to be who you’ve always been without the layers of negativity and whatever you’ve built up on top.
Because when you aren’t layered in negativity and you aren’t weighed down by things, doubts, negative self-talk, all of those things, you are more able to go into that flow state. You’re more able to find and see and observe the things that bring you joy, the marvel at the creation of the universe, all around you. When you’re obsessing about the things that bring you down, you’re internally picking at some little seed over and over and you’re missing the life that’s going by you and your opportunity to express what it is that you’re here to give and that’s what Tina’s telling us. When you’re free, when you put that stuff down, you make the choice to put it down or blow it away, or look it in the eye and kill it. However you do it – when you are free from that, your true self comes out. That flame, that soul inside of you, that purpose, that passion, that desire, can send you soaring. That’s what we’re all here to do. That, that feeling, that we’re seeking, that fulfillment piece that we’re all questing after and looking for and in this regard, Tina tells us, so simply put down the crap and fly.
Put down your crap and fly. Well said, not so succinctly by Tina Turner herself, “Whatever is bringing you down, get rid of it. Because you’ll find that when you’re free, your true self comes out.”
Alright, Fri-yay!
Whoop, whoop!
Freedom Quest today!
One of our favorite quests because it’s a Meditation Quest! We want you to take five minutes to meditate, release those thoughts, and blow them away.
Release those thoughts, those feelings, those emotions that are no longer serving you. Breathe in the good [inhales], breathe out the bowl [exhales], and step into your Fri-yay feeling free and like your lightest, most authentic self. Are you ready?
Kay & Shi:
Let’s quest!