Hey there Questers and welcome back. This is Friday, January 15th, and this is episode 270. We have an Elastigirl quote for you today from The Incredibles, just in case you don’t know who Elastigirl girl is. She is a woman superhero and the star of The Incredibles 2 and she says, “Your identity is your most valuable possession. Protect it.”

I mean, obviously, we are Pixar and Disney girls, and we are big women power women and ladies. So, she’s a great superhero and a fun role model in this series. This quote is really getting at that how you identify to yourself, not necessarily the roles that you play and the picture you put out there and how you want others to see you and how you present yourself on social media. The way that you truly identify to yourself is the way that will dictate your behavior and dictate the decisions that you make. So, that identity to yourself really is your most valuable possession because it’s your navigation system.
Yeah. Your identity of yourself is going to determine how you show up in the world every single day. Luckily, we have some incredibly smart scientists at our disposal in this day and age that have come to find that your identity is actually that it is the baseline shaper for all the good and bad things in your life, including your attitude, and the way that you naturally see the world. Your identity shapes all of those things. We use this example a lot because it comes right out of Atomic Habits where they talk about the identity structure. But if you’re someone who wants to run a marathon, you will likely train to run that marathon. You’ll run that marathon and then you’ll stop running but if you are a marathon runner, you finish the marathon and you continue running the very next day. One is a stagnant goal, the other is an identity piece that is a part of who you are.
Then Elastigirl tells us here, “Protect it,” and I think that’s one of the things that we can all probably stand to do a little bit more of, stand guard at the gates of your mind, as some of our old school personal growth and development teachers would tell us. I think Maxwell Maltz and Napoleon Hill both talk about the value of your self-identity and what it really means. There are all kinds of different things that you can go look at to study this further. “Protect it” is really telling you it is impressionable. Your self-identity especially when you’re young and your identity that you identify with is very fragile. It gets stronger over time as you learn the ways of yourself and the ways of the world, but it can still be very easy to let other ideas, other thoughts, other people seep in and maybe have influence over it in good ways and bad.
Now, one of the ways that Shila and I like to protect our children is to not just make sure that they’re safe from physical harm but to ensure that our children are set up for success to achieve whatever it is that they want to achieve in the world. So, when Elastigirl says here as a fellow mom, “Protect it,” she’s not saying hold onto the identity that you have right now forever…
…for your dear life. She’s saying protect it like you would a mother would her child, which means protect it for safety, and also equip yourself with what you need to become the person you want to be in the future. So, understanding that negative traits can influence your identity and your own negative traits when not taught or having protected the positive ones around it can bleed into your identity in a way that might be unhealthy for you.
Yeah. I love that. Protect it doesn’t mean keep it rigid. It means protect its right to grow naturally on its own, and protect your right to shape it as you see from a conscious and aware place. Protect it is its ability to be flexible and to change and to grow with time. Not preserve it…
Kay & Shi:
Protect it.
Alright, guys. So, just a reminder from Miss Elastigirl here on Friday, January 15th, she says, “Your identity is your most valuable possession. Protect it.”
Okay, Fri-yay…
Whoop, whoop!
…and it’s the 15th which means we’re halfway through the first month in 2021 guys.
That’s cray! Alright. It’s an Incredible Quest today! Your Fri-yay request is to make a vow to yourself right now, put up that right hand and say, I will be as authentic as I can.
I will be as authentic as I can.
Alright, you took the oath. Now it’s time to live it out in your quest and protect your right to shape your own identity. Are you ready?
Kay & Shi:
Let’s quest!