Hey there Questers and welcome back! Today is a very special day in our nation as we honor the great Martin Luther King Jr., leader of the modern civil rights movement.
Our quote for you from him today is, “The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.”

Whoo-hoo, off the heels of a year like 2020. I don’t think anybody who’s listening right now who hasn’t experienced a little bit of challenge and controversy in their last 365 days…
It was actually the theme of 2020, challenge, and controversy. But certainly, through that, we know that that’s where progress happens, and growth happens outside of that comfort zone. Love the implications of what MLK’s quote gives us here today and about how really whatever happens to us you see those true colors inside during the times of strife.
Put really simply who are you when things are hard? Who do you show up as when things don’t go your way? When somebody is making you angry, do you get angry right back at them and fly off the handle to the point of feeling embarrassed or do you carry yourself and respond in a way that makes you proud? So, this is when you’re getting squeezed, this is the opportunity for you to reflect on, ooh, am I acting in a way that’s in alignment with my values?
Many of you have heard us do one of our favorite analogies about an orange and what do you get when you squeeze an orange? What comes out? The obvious answer is orange juice. Of course, orange juice comes out of an orange when you squeeze it. Well, what comes out of us when life squeezes us is what’s inside. So, if you are a kind loving, happy person, when you get squeezed kind, loving, happy comes out. It doesn’t mean it’s not painful, but it does mean that what is ultimately on the inside comes out and that’s when we’re talking about character.
Yup and your character are really those personality traits that you default back to. So, when those times are tough, the real you gets unveiled. What I love too is that he doesn’t just say times of challenge – so it’s not only the tough times. It’s times of challenge or controversy which means if you are having an active issue with someone else or a group of people and it’s an active issue, are you still acting within alignment in your values? Not an external thing like COVID happening to you, but you having an issue with someone…Are you still acting with respect? Are you still acting with integrity and are you still acting in a way that makes you proud?
With an issue like COVID think about how you reacted? What were your initial knee jerks? What we’re not saying is that you’re as simple as an orange and that only orange juice comes out of you. We all have angry juice that comes out of us and sad juice and frustrated juice and that is in all of us. The way our juice will taste is what our primary emotions are. These are those pieces that we’re talking about here and what MLK is really reflecting back. So, it’s not like, well, then I must not be the real orange that I want to be because I had a flare-up or I emotionally responded to something, but it is about forming those habits of behavior that ultimately are your character. It’s the way you act day in and day out and day in and day out AKA life is full of challenge and controversy.
Exactly. Actually, life is built off of challenge and controversy and now it’s given to you to give you an opportunity to grow but growth is painful. There is no growth that isn’t painful. Even if it’s growth you want, even if it’s growth you like, even if it’s growth you seek. Shila and I go to conferences and last year we went to a conference called Date with Destiny and we intentionally sought some growth right at the very beginning that ended up being extremely painful. But boy did we learn some good lessons out of that.
We did. We decided to actually try and split up at a conference and join two separate groups at the behest of everyone there. They really said trust us, trust us, trust us and we’re like, no, you trust us, we know how we operate, but they kept saying, you guys should split up and you should…
…trust the process.
So, we did trust the process.
We did trust the process.
We split up for one day and we both were on near tears the entire time, quiver, and throat lumps, the whole nine yards. But you know what, we tried it and we did, and we grew so much that the rest of the conference was 100 times more meaningful.
If you’re asking the answer is yes, by day two, we were back in one group. We only spent one day split. It was absolutely torturous…
Super torturous.
…and it was wonderful to be back together and just solidified that sometimes (and we’ll talk about this later on in the week too), it really is good to stand up for what it is that you believe in. But as a reminder, Mr. Martin Luther King Jr. here says, “The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.”
Alright and since it’s a holiday today here in the US we want you to honor Martin Luther King Jr. in your quest for today. So, the way you can honor him is by doing what he tells you in the quote today and measure your ultimate success in your own life and how you stand up in times of challenge and controversy. Reflect on that and how maybe MLK would have approached some of those situations and strive to be better today and tomorrow. Are you ready?
Kay & Shi:
Let’s quest!