Hey there Questers and welcome back. It’s Monday, January 25th, and hard to believe we are ending the final week here in January of the first month of this new year.
Almost 1 out of 12 down and today is a great quote to start you off with. We’ve got Zig Ziglar here on this Monday morning, and he tells us, “Time well-spent results in more money to spend, more money to save, and more time to vacation.”
Now, at the beginning of 2019, we took our teams through a mastermind of a book called “Extreme Ownership” and in this book, they have a concept that at first, I was mad at and then came to understand as true and relevant, which is that discipline equals freedom.
Behaving in a way that is adhering to a standard or expectation that you set rather than a feeling or a whim ultimately allows you to design a life around you that you can do more things that you want to, that you’ve got more options, you’ve got more health and vitality and energy as well as money and time. That’s exactly what Zig is telling us here is that by finding that discipline of “time management” we will discover that freedom.
And it feels like I’m not going to be free if I have to manage my time. So, you think about, well, if I manage something, it’s going to create more time.
If I am to force myself to wake up early that’s not freedom.
Exactly. Yeah. But what happens is that forcing yourself to wake up early over the course of time, like Joseph McLendon says, the more you do it, the more you’ll do it. So, over time before you know it, you have the freedom of waking up early because you don’t even think about needing the discipline anymore. So, what we do today, we all, I think understand this concept. What you do today is the results that you gather tomorrow. So, when you’re justifying the indulgence or the sleep in every single day, chances are your life isn’t going to result in more money, more money to save, and more vacation time.
Well, what I like to think about here too, is that time well-spent results in more money to spend, more money to save, and more time to vacation. It’s that idea of, if you do, what’s easy now, your life will be hard, but if you do what’s hard now your life will be easy. So, it’s not about avoiding the hard…
You can’t do it.
Because with easy comes hard, with hard comes easy. It’s that duality of reality that we all have to navigate in our time here on this earth. But doing the hard thing now allows for the freedom whereas doing the fun, easy thing now doesn’t allow for that freedom as much, because you’re in a present moment, you don’t have habits around you, you don’t have structure and protection to take the private plane or to walk the catwalk or do whatever it is that goal is. Just imagining it right now and not doing the work to get there is less freedom overall, even though it’s hard to stick to those disciplines in the beginning.
Think about it this way. Maybe you have a goal to spend less time scrolling on social media. Maybe you’ve got two hours every day that you dedicate to spend scrolling on social media. Now two hours a day might seem excessive but when you add in the bathroom time that took a little extra time. You add in the morning where you decided to read the news for a little longer than you should and then the hour before you took to bed, you probably look at that. The average American, I think, spends two hours a day on social media. So, let’s just say you’re trying to bring that down to one hour. Now, let’s just say that you knock out that one hour and do something productive with that one hour every single day for 365 days in the year. Now, if we take one hour and we put that 365 hours and we divide that by 12, you get an extra month.
30 days gang.
An extra month in your year by spending one hour a day, less on something indulgent and potentially spending that month on something more productive.
Look, I like more money. I like more savings and I like more time to vacation. I like all of those things and I feel pretty safe in assuming that you, as the listener, like those things as well. So, we really should adhere to what Zig Ziglar tells us in this quote which is, “Time well-spent results in more money to spend, more money to save, and more time to vacation.”
Alrighty, gang, that means today is your Money Monday Quest! Money, money, money…
Kay & Shi:
(*Singing*) MON-AY!
Today, we want you to spend some time outside of work, which means that we want your time to gear towards fostering growth and results. This might include reading a book to enhance that knowledge, doing a quick workout to improve the physical state, or maybe participating in a passion project. Spend your time well today to create more time in the future. Are you ready?
Kay & Shi:
Let’s quest!