Hump day is here Questers! Welcome back, it’s Wednesday, January 27th and this is episode 278. We have a Disney quote for you from one of our favorite princesses, Miss Rapunzel from the movie Tangled.
She says, “No, I will not stop. For every minute for the rest of my life, I will fight.”

I’m about to cry…
Oh, well, it comes at a very emotional time in the movie, kind of the crux of the challenge, the major ending battle, where hope seems to be lost. You see this indomitable princess spirit coming to…
I know it’s so hard.
…coming to resolve and really saying what she means which is that she won’t give up for something that she truly believes in which of course is love and is for the righteousness of what is right in the world. The truth that she learned if you listened to yesterday’s podcast, that she couldn’t unlearn and that’s what makes this quote so powerful for us.
What I loved is that in the movie, Rapunzel comes across the unlearnable truth that she is indeed the last princess from the neighboring kingdom. In this particular moment, she is actually bartering for the life of her love Mr. Flynn Rider and so she says, (in the continuation of today’s quote), she says, “For every minute of the rest of my life, I will fight unless you let me heal Flynn Rider,” who is they’re dying on the ground. What I love about this is that Rapunzel puts her feet on the ground. She routes herself in and she gets really sure about what it is that she is saying to this other person. Now, why is this so important? If you’ve ever been a human being, you know, that sometimes it’s difficult to put your feet into the ground especially for us ladies, and say the things that you believe in wholeheartedly. It’s really, really difficult especially when you’re saying it to someone you love and respect.
It’s also really hard to want to put the Dukes up whether it’s metaphorical, or it’s physically, or even emotionally. Her resolve here, I’ll fight. That’s spirit right there. That’s that warrior spirit and here in society, you know, especially as women as Kay was sharing that, that tendency is to look down on that behavior or to see that as an unfeminine…
…unladylike. So, we’ve been conditioned by society that this isn’t how a girl should behave, but let’s be honest, humans get in rumbles, this happens. In healthy relationships, there should be disagreement. Not that there should be name-calling or moments of extreme stress or any of that, but you’ve got to have a disagreement and you’ve got to be iron sharpens iron. That means having a little bit of that warrior spirit. We got to feel that last year in 2020, really seeing our family business threatened to the point that we’d never seen it before. At first, we felt like we were sucker-punched and then we felt like our shoulders were squared and we said, we will fight like hell and go down swinging before we see this business close. So, we were able to channel our inner Rapunzel and spirit and it’s what we’re encouraging you to think of today.
Well, I think what is interesting here is that at this point, and very similar to what happened with us in 2020 Rapunzel has learned the truth. She learned the truth that she’s the princess of the neighboring kingdom that’s been lost and stolen. Then she accepts that truth to the point where she’s willing to fight for her belief. Now, many restaurant owners, many business owners, when the very first initial round of the pandemic happened in March of 2020, they learned the truth, but they didn’t accept it in time to save their businesses. Now, we saw what was happening before the shutdowns even happened, before we went into that 85% loss of revenue overnight on March 17th. We were on with our accountants three days prior to that understanding what was coming and accepting that as the truth so that we could fight like hell and move forward. Now, listen, learning, and accepting are two completely different things. You can know and learn that it’s terrible to smoke cigarettes and yet you can still be a cigarette smoker.
You can learn and know that putting chocolate and processed sugar into your body is going to make you feel bad, but accepting that and behaving differently is an entirely different thing. I’m speaking from experience. Yesterday, I ate too much chocolate, and it gave me a huge stomach ache this morning. So, not coming at you from a tower here, just along the quest of growth. I think that Rapunzel offers us some really excellent mentorship here.
Well, like she says, “No, I will not stop. For every minute for the rest of my life I will fight.”.
It’s #humpday.
Whoop, whoop!
We’re halfway through the week which means it’s time for your Wednesday quest. Today your quest is to fight to finish this week strong. Whatever that means to you, it’s sticking to your New Year’s resolution or finishing off healthy eating, or maybe avoiding TV. Whatever it is that you’re fighting for, keep up the good fight and finish off your week on a strong note. It’s hump day, you’re halfway there. Are you ready?
Kay & Shi:
Let’s Quest!