Hey there Questers and welcome back. It’s hump day, January 6th, and this is episode 263. We have a really deep philosopher for you today. The one and only Bear Grylls. You guessed it, the British adventure writer and television presenter, and businessman known mostly for his television series Man vs. Wild. Bear Grylls tells us today to, “Be positive, be strong, and be resourceful, the world really is what you make of it.”

This is a fun quote and a fun show too. I think probably everyone at some point in their lives has been in a hotel, in an airport, maybe on your TiVo, or at home, and has watched at least one episode of Man vs. Wild and it’s an entertaining show and this dude, I mean talk about resourceful. This fellow is a resourceful guy, a modern-day MacGyver.
He is like, let me take two pine needles and create a water mechanism for harnessing the rain for electricity in the middle of the wilderness.
Impressive. So, with experiences like that he’s certainly learned a lot physically which we know translates to all kinds of different learnings in our life. “Be positive, be strong, and be resourceful.” He’s got three kinds of tenets here that he’s telling us to really be, to embody, to feel, to have, to actively link into. So, “positive” is that optimism. It’s that being able to see what can happen, what can I do? Where can I make a difference? “Be positive” in this sense is really about not giving up, not letting up, and continuing to go. “Be strong” here is bringing that strength. Be resolved, be that warrior spirit, and be that feeling of ultimate strength and grounded and connectedness. Then, of course, resourceful one of our favorite ones. Any problem is solvable if you are resourceful enough.
Truly, I love these kinds of three tenets here at the beginning of today’s quote. I love that he said to be positive because it’s easy to be positive when things are going good but when the world requires you to be strong, those are oftentimes the time when it’s not always easy to be positive. I think we saw a lot of people fall into that this year. The world required, or last year in 2020 that we be strong and not everybody remained positive in that time, even if they were the kind of people that would say that they are a positive person. So, being positive, it’s a choice. It’s not just about the possibility, it’s an attitude of ensuring that you are looking on the bright side of life. Then he says in the second half, “the world is really what you make of it.” So, if you’re looking at the world as a positive, strong, and resource-rich place, then you bet you, that’s what the world is going to be for you.
It’s like you see reflected back those ultimate feelings that you have inside of you and the worldviews that you carry and that you keep. So, by being these three tenets, in the beginning, the world that reflects back to you will be one that’s willing to be creative aka resourceful you, that’s willing to support you aka be positive towards you. That’s willing to give you strength when you’re weak aka be strong with you. So, bringing it full circle back to that and realizing, again this subjective nature to our experiences because wherever your attention goes, your energy is going to flow. As cliché as that is, it really is like when you turn your head in the car and your car follows along with you, that’s exactly what happens with your life and with your attention. Yet, I know, I personally can find myself going down spirals or thinking patterns that aren’t helpful, but I just “can’t help it.” I see that reflected back in the world. So, certainly something I’m working on as we come into 2021 here.
So, we’re going to do a little bit of a test for you guys really quick, and it’s going to be pretty fast. Just to give you a gauge as to maybe how much work you’ve got to do toward being that positive, strong, and resourceful person so that the world reciprocates that in kind. So, I want you, in your mind, to go ahead and finish this phrase just with whatever word comes forward for you. I know one thing about the world and that’s that the world is _____. Alright. I know one thing about people and that’s that people are _____. I know one thing about myself and that’s that I am ______. So, you probably just have three words that got plugged into your world view, your view about others, and your view about yourself. Your gut reaction, not the word you think should go in, but the gut reaction will give you a flavor for whether you’re just orienting toward the positive or the negative and whether you might need a recalibration.
One that we’ve heard at Tony Robbins before that we’ve always found interesting is to finish the phrase life is like ____ and what does come up for you. Now, before you get yourself over the Forrest Gump…
Kay: Box of chocolates.
Box of chocolates, but what is life, a battle? Is life a challenge? Is life a box of chocolates? Is life a beach?
A game, a dance, a party?
There are all kinds of metaphors we use for life but that’s the one that you use whether you’re aware of it or not is reflecting back to you and the world really is what you make of it, as Bear tells us. So, to remind you of what Mr. Bear Grylls tells us it is to, “Be positive, be strong, and be resourceful, the world really is what you make of it.”
Alrighty, gang. That means today is #WildernessWednesday. We’ve got a resourcefulness quest for you today with Mr. Bear Grylls. Today, we want you to ask yourself this question. In what aspect of my life do I have room to be a little more resourceful this Wednesday? Just like Bear out there in the wilderness. Are you ready?
Kay & Shi:
Let’s quest!