Welcome back. You queenly Questers, our Queens! AND a Queen for the quote and the quest of the day..
You’re really q-y.
You know, we’re doing it. This is Monday, July 12th. This is episode 396, and we have an Oprah Winfrey quote for you today submitted by a fellow Mentorship Quester queen Shannon Morris Rose, Shannon’s favorite quote from Oprah is, “It doesn’t matter who you are, where you come from. The ability to triumph begins with you. Always.”

Shannon is my sister-in-law, my husband’s sister. So glad Shannon that you submitted this quote.
Thanks, Shannon.
We love you so much. Shannon lives in Arkansas with her husband Allen, who you might recognize as our son’s middle name, Wesley Allen Morris, named after Shannon’s husband. We love you both so much and your kids, Lindsey and Justin, and your grandkids too. We miss you and hope to get out to Arkansas more often and for you to come to Reno more often. But what’s so great is that we can stay connected through meaningful things like this. I’m so glad Shannon, that you brought this quote forward from Oprah because Oprah is definitely a testament to this quote, but there’s so much more credibility with a quote when the person who’s saying it has come from really hard times.
I’m actually finishing Oprah’s co-collaborative book called “What Happened to You?” right now” and I’m listening to it on audio. It’s been amazing because Oprah talks about instances where she’s had interviews with people who have had particularly difficult circumstances and they clip in the interview audio bites into the audiobook so that you can hear exactly what was said from the interviewee. So, in addition to walking through her own fire, Oprah has literally conducted 10,000 interviews in her professional career and many of them have been with people who have come from insane, insane circumstances and risen regardless.
Which means that the ability to triumph is there and present for those even from the most dire circumstances. So, what makes the difference then between someone who comes from dire circumstances and isn’t able to escape the consequences of a default environment and consciousness around that and those that do, and Oprah says that it begins with you always, which is another way of saying it’s about belief. It’s about knowing that your life matters, that that you’re here and that you have purpose and that you have value. For so many who go through traumatic experiences like that, they’re robbed of that basic understanding and knowing, which means that ability to triumph is greatly diminished.
In fact, the whole premise of Oprah’s book, (I’m so glad that you brought that up Shi), is to change out the question of, “what’s wrong with you,” from those traumatic instances that you might’ve faced, to, “what happened to you?” Oftentimes when somebody is experiencing something difficult, even if maybe they’re depressed or they’re feeling extra anxious, and they express that to somebody who loves them, that person might turn around and say, “well, what’s wrong with you?” But the question really should be what happened to you as we seek to gain more compassion toward people and as you gain compassion for yourself because the ability to triumph through your trauma begins with you. The person who hurt you can’t be the one to triumph over your trauma or over what it is that you’ve come from or where you came from. As Oprah tells us, “The ability begins with you. Always.”
So, to remind you fully of what Oprah said, “It doesn’t matter who you are, where you come from. The ability to triumph begins with you. Always.”
Alright, guys, we’ve got a Triumph Quest. Today we want you to take five minutes to just connect with your triumphant core. Close your eyes and connect to the eternal part within you. That knows just how truly capable you are. Tap into the energy of the resilience that you hold inside and maybe even reflect on a few of your most resilient moments to spark up your senses and tune into the triumph within. Are you ready to win with us? You know what to say..
Kay & Shi:
Let’s quest!