Welcome back Questers it’s Wednesday, July 14th. This is episode 398 and today we are actually getting to spend the entire day with our leadership tribe from the Squeeze In restaurant group. So, wish us luck as we’re off on a big associate journey, spending a six-hour training with our leaders and then a two-hour training with our entire staff for the first time since the COVID-19 shutdowns.
Can’t wait to have them all together and so today we will give you straight from the mouth of a trendy millennial workout studio poster, a motivational quote today, that says, “You’re only one workout away from a good mood.”

Ooh. So, maybe if you’re facing something maybe a little bit more difficult today, like a major leadership training that you’ve been working on for months to prepare for, this is a great piece of advice because one workout can help you be a little more successful.
Kay and I were recently in Miami for an event and while we were there, we wanted it to be in our top game. Both of us knew that a non-negotiable in order for us to be at our top peak performance was a workout in the morning because it sets the mood. It helps your body. It’s obviously extremely healthy for you, with all of the benefits. The mind benefits we find to be extra beneficial when it comes to making decisions, thinking strategically, and being in an environment like we are today with our leaders, I can guarantee you that both of us have worked out this morning.
Yep, you know it. In fact, you’re only one workout away from a good mood is a funny thing that gets put into a lot of workout studios or in a poster, maybe in your own home gym, but from an actual physical perspective, this is like super-duper true. When you exercise your body releases chemicals inside your brain called endorphins. Now the endorphins that your body releases due to exercise actually interact with the receptors in your brain that reduce your perception of pain. Now, pain in the body, whether it’s physical or emotional, pain gets processed through this same center in your brain. So, be it emotional or physical pain, the endorphins that exercise releases for you are designed to help numb that. The feeling in your body is actually similar to that of the effect of morphine and so can give you that happy feeling, those happy chemicals that actually create a physical change on the cellular level inside that actually makes you feel better.
You’ve probably heard of the runner’s high and, though it is a common topic to talk about, it’s not so common to experience. I can tell you; I get a very mild runner’s high when I’m done. I’ve only had one true euphoric, oh my gosh. My brain was definitely dumping every chemical at that moment, runner’s high. But I definitely have the low-level high after my workouts and I know you do too when you’re done. Our mom always famously says, “You never regret when you’re done,” and that’s because your body has just done a big physical thing that has released a bunch of chemicals that make you feel good about it. So, you literally physically, chemically, scientifically never regret when you’re done.
In fact, one of the best things that people with clinical depression can do is not to go take depression medicine, it’s to walk. Yup. Walk for 60 minutes every single day. It’s the best thing that a person who’s depressed can do, because your body works off of rhythm, which you get when you walk that steady rhythm that you get, and then it also gets ignited when you move it, and you exercise it. So, you get a dump of endorphins. You get that dopamine dump. You get the pain receptors numbed, be it emotional or physical. You get the sense of rhythm. And before you know it, physical, chemical changes are happening that are very similar to the effects of antidepressants.
As Bill Nye, the Science Guy theme song goes, “Science rules.”
“Science rules.”
For some weird reason, our kids are obsessed with that 75-second song. It’s literally 75 seconds. Yeah.
Bill, Bill, Bill, Bill!
Just imagining the transcript as we sing this.
Kay & Shi:
“Bill Nye, the Science Guy.”
Oh, man. Well, maybe our recount of that gave you a good mood. But as today’s quote from some trendy, millennial workout studio says, “You’re only one workout away from that good mood.”
Alright, you’ve got to know that today’s a Workout Wednesday Quest after this quote, you’re only one workout away from a good mood so you know what to do. Move yo body today, get out there and get moving and get those yummy endorphins flowing. Are you ready? Move it along with us now.
Kay & Shi:
Let’s quest!